C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "Fade Into You" By Mazzy Star

C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n >

Richie rubs his hands on a shammy cloth and shook his head at his truck. The damn thing broke down again. After over five years of having the thing he isn’t sure he can bring it back from the dead on more time. Sighing he closes the hood and pats the rusting gray paint on top.

Damn it.

He looks up when he hears the gravel shifting under so tires. He’s happily surprised to see Its Gabe’s black pick up coming towards him and flags him down. He’s relieved, figuring at least he found someone to drop him off. Though the thought to tag along back the James’ place is tempting.

Gabe pulls to a stop next to him and rolls down the passenger side window. “Hey, you seen Luke anywhere?”

Richie frown, “No, can’t say I have. Why?”

“Something happened to Robin. Some guys came around and beat her up something bad. Dad has me looking for Luke, I guess he figures the guy can help.”

“Wait, beat Robin up? Why would someone do something like that?”

Gabe takes off his baseball cap and runs his hands through his hair as he shakes his head, “I don’t know man but she was in bad shape. Hey, did something happen with your truck?”

“Yeah, it broke down. I was hoping you could give me a ride home but I think I’d rather come see how Robin’s doing.”

“I don’t know about that. With you and Luke there…”

Richie scowls at the younger man, “I can behave myself on occasion you know. She chose him and I respect that but it doesn’t make her any less of a friend.”

Gabe’s dark blue eyes look him over before sighing. “Well come on then, I ain’t got all day.”

Richie nods before reaching into the cab of his own truck to grab his hat, toolbox and the keys dangling from the ignition. Climbing into the truck he can’t help but worry about Robin. Who would do something like that to her? Taking a glance at Gabe he notices how white his knuckles are from gripping the steering wheel so tight. It must be bad, he thinks. The usually easy going Gabe wouldn’t be so worked up otherwise.

“Do you have any idea who did it?” He asks.

Gabe’s jaw clenches as he answers, “We may think it was some recent additions to town. People looking for Luke.”

“Looking for Luke? Why would they be looking for him?”

“Something about the reason he left in the first place. I can’t really go into it though, Richie. If you wanna know just ask them yourself.”

“Well is it bad?” Richie asks, anxious for information.

“It ain’t good.”


Gabe’s phone ringing has him grabbing it off the dash and holding it to his ear. “Yeah?”

Richie tries to listen but he can’t hear a damn word. Recent additions to town, his mind repeats to him. New additions…has he seen any lately. Then he remembers about the day before and feels like an anvil has dropped in his stomach.

Jessup and him had been coming out late from the shop when the shine off a chrome bumper caught their attention. Jessup was filling him in on how Robin was doing and of course Charlie. As much as Charlie hates him, Richie still has a soft spot for the kid since he reminds him of his brother from when he was younger. So as they chatted a large SUV came to a stop right beside them.

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