C h a p t e r E l e v e n

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "Square One" By Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.

C h a p t e r E l e v e n >

“Ow!” Robin hisses as she stabs herself in the eye for the second time with the mascara wand. “Jingle fucking Christmas that hurts! Shit!”

“I don’t know why you’re even putting on makeup.” Casey drawls from the bed flipping another page in her magazine. “He obvious thinks your pretty without it.”

Robin paces the length of her room trying to will the pain away, “I just want to look nice. He saw how dressed up I was on my date with Richie. I don’t want him to think I was short changing him or something.”

Casey frowns at her, “How did he see how you looked on your date with Richie?”

“That’s where we ran into each other.” Robin snaps embarrassed.

“Seriously?” She asks fighting a smile. “You reunited with your baby daddy while on a date with another guy? Seriously.”

Robin just gives her a one eyed scowl.

Casey bursts out laughing and begins rolling around on the bed as she howls with laughter. “Oh my god! Oh my god! That is seriously some hard core Maury shit. Will there be a paternity test later in the show?”

“Shut up.”

“No way! After years of telling you my messed up dating stories this is too good to pass up. Actually, is it my birthday? Cause it feels like my birthday.”

Opening her still stinging eye Robin gives her best friend the one finger salute before going back to look at the cracked mirror on the wall. Robin sighs in relief when she sees that the mascara didn’t smear despite all the watering her injured eyes was doing. Shedding off her black and white plaid shirt and tank top Robin turns to her closet looking for something suitable to wear.

“Here” Casey sighs before tossing a plastic bag towards Robin.

Reaching into the bag Robin’s eyebrows lift as she pulls out a black polka dot dress with a sweetheart neckline, thin halter straps and a chiffon skirt that’ll fall just below her knees. Lifting her gaze to Casey’s nonchalant face she clears her throat when Casey still refuses to acknowledge her. Finally Casey sighs and gives her an annoyed look.


“What do mean what? You got me a dress?”

“Please.” She scoffs. “I’m letting you borrow my dress and if I find one hanging string on that dress your going to be the one buying me a new dress.”

Placing the dress and bag on the nearby dresser Robin grins evilly before jumping on the bed. Landing on Casey she begins hugging her but Casey being Casey is stiff as board and trying to get Robin off her. It doesn’t work. Hugging her best friend Robin coos at her about loving her as well, you know just for added effect.

“Get off me you cow!”

“No!” Robin laughs.

“You’re going to puncture a lung or something!”

Robin snorts, “You’re so dramatic.”

“Hardly! Your fat ass could kill a cockroach.”

Sitting up Robin smacks Casey’s shoulder, “Bitch.”

“Shut up. You know you love it.” Casey grins before turning back to her magazine. “Now go get ready for your date with your baby daddy. He’s going to be here in like an hour.”

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