C h a p t e r T w e n t y F o u r

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© Amber Kalkes 2015

Song: "Carolina Rain" By Ryan Adams.

C h a p t e r T w e n t y F o u r >

“Robin.” Luke says, almost in a growl. “Get dressed. Now.”

Robin frowns at his back. “What? Why?”

“Hunters are here.”

Robin’s stomach lurches and she scrambles out of the bed to grab her clothes off the floor. Pulling on a gray sundress she finds in one of the dresser drawers she can’t help but think about the turn of the day. Stupid hunters always showing up at the worse possible times, she thinks bitterly. Her mind quickly turns courses to Charlie wondering if he’s safe and if she’ll have to call her dad and warn him. Considering the tension and jerkiness in Luke’s movements though she’s going to guess no. In fact she’s bet he’s going to have her leaving any second now.

“What do we do?” She asks.

“You are going out the back door and then you’re running to your father’s house. I’m going to stay here and finish this.”

“F-Finish this?”

He stops buckling his belt to give her a fierce look. “I’m done running and I’m done having them looming over us, Robin.”

She narrows her eyes at him, searching his face. “There’s something else. Something you’re not telling me. What is it?”

He drops his gaze and clenches his fists. “When I give you the signal I want you to run.”

“Luke, tell me.”

“Don’t look back and I’ll meet you there when everything is done.”

“Luke!” She yells at him. “Tell me!”

“They have Charlie.”

Her heart stops in her chest and her mouth drop open. Her eyes water with tears as she feels her legs begin to quake with the effort of holding her up. Feeling a teardrop slide down her face her eyes move towards the window.

“Out there.” She says thickly. “He’s out there with them right now isn’t he?”


Her body moves before her mind can even catch up. Luke grabs her around the waist as she passes the bathroom and pulls her against him. Robin starts kicking, growling and crying as she tries to get free of him. She needs to get her boy from those monsters and not even Luke is going to stop her.

“Let me go!” She screams at him.

“Shut up.” He orders her lowly in her ear. “They’ll hear you.”

“I don’t give a shit.” She hisses at him. “I want my son. Now!”

“And you think I don’t want the same thing? You think I would go out there not thinking about how to get Charlie back to you, back to us?”

She stops struggling and her body goes lax as sobs escape out of her mouth. “Please, god, don’t let them hurt him.”

“They won’t.” Luke tells her. Holding her close to him. “They won’t because I’m not going to let them just like I won’t let them hurt you. That’s why I need you to run, Robin. I need you to trust me enough to know I’m going to get our boy back.”

“Promise me.” She demands quietly. “Promise me you’ll get him back and I’ll do as you ask, Luke. Just promise me you’ll get him back safely.”

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