C h a p t e r S i x

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "Girl From The North Country" By Bob Dylan And Johnny Cash.

C h a p t e r S i x >

Robin’s mind is somewhere else as she does the dishes from dinner. It’s been three days since the family dinner and Robin is completely frustrated. She was supposed to have Charlie and Luke meet two days ago but her boss, the asshole incarnate, keeps calling her in on a last minute shifts. As a result she’s had to cancel twice now but Luke seems to be understanding but no less frustrated.

Still, things need to be paid for and this job does just that. Well most months anyways.

The only slightly interesting thing that’s happened has been the call she got from Grace the morning after the family dinner. It turned out that the place that Charlie stuck the mud was in Gabe’s hats, all of them. So imagine his surprise when he got ready for school and put his hat on only to be covered in dirt all over his head and shoulders.

It isn’t the first time the prank has been pulled in that house so Robin has no doubt that Charlie had some help on his one, most likely from Faith. The youngest James sibling pulled a very similar prank on many unsuspecting victims over the years, one time even being Robin. Not killing the kid had taken a lot of restraint on her part she has to admit.

“The kids are finally asleep.” A voice whispers before tiptoeing into the kitchen.

Turning towards it Robin smiles at her best friend and neighbor, Casey. Casey is a beautiful girl with her Native American and African American blood making her just about the prettiest girl in town. Casey and Robin hadn’t known each other before Robin moved to the trailer park and Casey introduced herself as her neighbor. They women bonded quickly since Casey too is a single mother of a little boy.

It helped them both to have someone to lean on in times when they had no one else. Though Robin did have her family to back her up Casey’s had practically disowned her when she got pregnant at sixteen. Casey’s little boy, Ezra was just about the sweetest kid Robin had ever met and when they got the two boys together Charlie and him became instant friends.

“How did you get them to nap?” Robin whispers in surprise, “Charlie always tries to con me out of it.”

Casey shrugs, “I’m the master.”

“Fair enough.”

“So, Hank finally gave you the day off tomorrow huh?”

Robin makes a face, “Yup. Which is a good things since I’ve been putting off this big thing I have to do because of all the shifts he keeps throwing at me. I mean its good because god knows I need the money but it’s killing me.”

“Speaking of which what is this big mysterious thing you have to do that you can’t share with your best friend?”

“I can share it.” Robin mumbles trying to get some macaroni off a plate. “Its just a bit delicate that’s all.”

“Oh god, are you pregnant again?” Casey nearly yells making Robin shush her before they both peek into the living room. Both woman relax when they see the kids are still passed out before Casey again but in a lower tone. “Well?”

“No.” Robin snorts. “One must have a man to get pregnant, my dear and I have no such man unless Immaculate Conception is even a thing anymore.”

Casey taps her chin in mocking thought, “No I don’t think it is. It’s just not in fashion anymore. You know like petticoats.”

“Well then there is zero chance I’m pregnant.”

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