C h a p t e r T w e l v e

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "Gold" By Interference

C h a p t e r T w e l v e >


The word slices Robin to the core. Hunters, she remembers what Luke told her about them. Her fear for not only herself and Charlie but also Luke heightens at the very word. He said he had more time but it seems that time has been cut short. Sitting rigidly in her seat she feels something cold and hard against her bare knee making her jump nearly out of her skin.

“Its okay.” Luke soothes her. “It’s just the keys to the car.”

“I can’t just leave you here.” She whispers back brushing back a piece of her hair with a shaky hand as she grips the keys with her other one. Putting them in her purse she grabs her glass and tries to calm down.

“You can and you will.” He tells her sternly. “I need you to go to the car and go somewhere safe, like your father’s place. In fact call your friend Casey as well to warn her.”

“Warn Casey?” Robin echoes with a frown. “Why?”

“She’s like me.”

Robin nearly chokes on her own disbelief, “That’s impossible. I would have known.”

“Don’t be so sure of that.” He mutters as his eyes drift back over her shoulder. “Now go.”

Robin shifts herself out of the booth seat with her purse in a death grip. She looks at Luke but he’s not moving his eyes from the hunters she still hasn’t even seen. Maybe because she’s foolish or maybe just to prove to herself the threat is real she turns to look. She quickly wishes she hadn’t.

Its too men sitting at a table and it is clear they stick out. She’s sure it’s them because while one is glaring at Luke the other is staring at her. The one with the brown eyes trained on her makes an impression with his baldhead and bushy dark beard. Both men look like regular road weary biker guys but there is clearly something sinister about them.

The other man, the one glaring at Luke seems younger than the one looking at her. His dark curly hair is long and tied in a greasy wet looking ponytail with tattoos covering every part of his visible body but his face. The look she gives them is fleeting and only takes about two seconds but the bald one notices. His mouth curls into a smile and she catches sight of dark yellow crooked teeth under the beard.

Quickly looking away Robin walks down the pathway to the bathrooms before veering to the left as soon as she sees the exit. Pushing open the door she gasps as cooler evening air hits her face. Taking in as much as she needs to stop the panic attack threatening to take over Robin quickly begins moving towards where Luke left the car.

Grabbing the keys from her purse she fumbles with getting the key in the lock before climbing in. Her whole body is shaking and she’s panting so hard she’s nearly wheezing. Sticking the keys in the ignition she nearly screams when the car refuses to start. Tears of frustration and fear begin falling down her face as she keeps trying to get the car to start but without result.

Robin turns the key for the fourth time when a hand bangs on her window making her jump up with a scream. Covering her own mouth in shock she instantly calms a bit when Luke’s face comes into view. Yanking the door open he climbs into the car pushing her to the passenger side before slamming the door behind him. Luke turns the key and the car instantly starts up.

Pulling away from the restaurant Robin wants to ask him what happened but she can’t get her mouth to work. The quick turn in the evening has made her completely speechless if not at a loss at what to do next. Instead she just watches Luke as he drives.

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