C h a p t e r F o u r

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "English Girls Approximately" By Ryan Adams

C h a p t e r F o u r >

Robin wakes up to the feeling of something poking her nose. Peeking an eye open she groans and rolls over on to her stomach only to have the same thing that was poking her nose start shaking her back. She lets out another groan but a small smile slips onto her face when the annoying little creature begins jumping on her bed and singing to her.

“Mama wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”

Rolling back onto her back Robin narrows her eyes at her son playfully, “Oh brave knight Charles, you have awoken the sleeping dragon, are you prepared to take your punishment?”

Charlie’s emerald eyes widen and he shakes his head, “I’m sorry! I won’t do it again. Please don’t punish me!”

“Oh but you woke the dragon, sir.” She says with an evil grin, “A brave knight like you can't really be scared.”

“I’m not scared.” He says puffing his chest out.

“Oh really?” She drawls already ready to spring on him.

He rolls his eyes at her, “Duh.”

She lifts both her eyebrows at that. Well now she’s going to need to beat up her little sister, Faith for this little gem. Seemingly taking her distraction as his chance Charlie jumps off the bed but Robin has him before he can even bolt for the door. Wrapping an arm around his waist she throws him back onto the bed and begins tickling his stomach. Charlie bursts into laughter immediately and Robin can’t stop from grinning at the sight of her happy little boy.

“Mama!” He giggles breathlessly, “Mama! Stop!”

“Say the magic words.” She sings with a massive grin.

“I surrender!”

Robin can’t help but ‘awe’ at how he mispronounces the last word but stops her tickling all the same. Collapsing beside Charlie Robin catches her own breath. Man, she really needs to start working out. Charlie crawls over and lays his head over her heart and Robin automatically starts brushing her hands through his black curls with one hand as the other wraps around him.

“Mama?” He asks.

“Yes, Button?”

“Who’s my daddy?”

Ah shit. Where the hell had this question come from?

“Well that’s a long story, Button.”

“Did he love you? Because Faith says that mommy and daddies love each other.” Charlie says making Robin want to crawl into a hole and never come out. This is all just too much with Luke coming back, knowing about Charlie and now all these questions. Squirming a bit in her spot she closes her eyes preparing to lie to her son.


“Did you love him?”

“Yes.” That one is less of a lie. It’s the only explanation she can think of as to why she would still be clinging to the memory of a one-night stand all these years. Can a person fall in love after just one night? Robin is hoping she’s wrong but the odds aren’t in her favor on this one.

“Where did he go? If he loved you why did he go, Mama?”

Robin sighs and kisses the top of her son’s head, “I don’t know, Button.”

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