C h a p t e r T w e n t y F i v e

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© Amber Kalkes 2015

Song: "In Between Love" By Tom Waits

C h a p t e r T w e n t y F i v e >

“Robin James get your hands off me, I am a grown man!” Jessup yells, completely sick of Robin’s meddling.

Robin rolls her eyes. “Old man I love you but you can’t even walk around without wincing.”

“It’s been three months and I’m as fine as I was when I woke up that damn hospital, Robbie. Now let go of me.”

“Not happening.” She tells him simply as she moves him towards his seat on the back porch. In truth she’s not sure how Luke’s been able to pry her from his side the past few months.

Luckily the shot bypassed any major organs but the blood loss was substantial enough to make everyone say more than a few prayers. Robin of course kept her promise and refused to leave his side for a second while he was in the hospital. Luke or Charlie had to convince or con her into eating or going home for a quick shower. She often fell asleep beside his bed, holding his hand and letting his heart monitor lull her to sleep.

Of course as soon as Jessup was awake he gave her an each full about it but she was just so happy that he was awake she didn’t mind. Gabe, the poor kid had a concussion from the beating he got and was out of it for a few days. Faith and Grace just had minor injures that added up to looking worse than they felt, thank god.

When the cops came around the story was that some crazed robbers came into the house and after finding nothing they wanted just left. It was a suspect story since none of the James’ could lie worth a lick but they managed to convince them. The pack took care of the bodies and Robin was half tempted to hug that guy Remy after everything he did for them.

Of course Luke wasn’t having any of that.

Looking down at the engagement ring on her finger she can’t help but smile. He’d given it to her after Jessup was out of the hospital and she can’t be more thrilled with it. It’s a simple silver band with a single stone on it. She bites back a laugh when she remembers how nervous he was.


“Yeah, dad?”

“Can you play something for me?”

Smiling she nods her head and gets up from the bench to reach inside to grab the guitar. Apparently she’s spotted though because she hears a few creeping footsteps towards the back porch. Rolling her eyes she walks back out and sits opposite her dad on the bench.

While tuning the guitar Faith comes out with Charlie holding her hand. Both sit down on the steps and face her. Faith wraps her arms around Charlie and balances her chin on the top of his unruly mop of curls, smiling. Grace comes out with glasses of lemonade for herself and Jessup in her hands. Handing one to Jessup she settles on the arm of his chair.

Robin plays a few chords and smiles when she sees her dad’s arm wrap around Grace’s waist. “What do you feel like hearing dad?”

“Whatever you feel like playing.”

Closing her eyes she tries to think of something. About to ask Jessup again what he wants she spots Luke coming around the porch. His eyes are adoring as they spot her on the porch while his smile is soft. His dark hair has gotten longer and blows a bit on the breeze a little. Suddenly she gets an idea.

“Okay I got something.” She tells her dad with a smile.

Beginning to play the opening cords she closes her eyes and sings.

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