C h a p t e r E i g h t e e n

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© Amber Kalkes 2014

Song: "I Have Loved You Wrong" By The Swell Season

C h a p t e r E i g h t e e n >

Robin’s smile only grows as she exits through the back screen door to the porch. Luke has Ezra and Charlie over his shoulders giggling like maniacs. She likes seeing it, she realizes. After years of it just being her and Charlie, she finds she likes someone else taking over for a bit. She can finally rest and just enjoy watching her baby grow up.

Seemingly noticing her in that uncanny way only Luke can, he looks up at her with a huge grin. Robin gives a smile and wave of her own, not as big as his but as much as she can handle with her face as roughed up as it is. Turning back to the boys Luke starts running after them again and Robin sinks down to sit on one of the steps so she can watch.

“He’s good with them, isn’t he?”

Turning her head to see her dad watching them as well she smiles, “He is.”

Jessup settles beside her on the step, taking up much of the room from his large body. Robin doesn’t hesitate to put her head on his upper bicep while keeping her eyes on Luke and the boys. The soft breeze hits them both, carrying the scent of the wildflowers from the nearby prairie making her sigh.

This place will always be home.


“Yeah dad?” She sighs happily.

“I’m sorry.”

Frowning she lifts her head to look up at him, “Sorry? About what?”

“I should have never left you go to that house alone. I was foolish. Despite how much of a bulldog as I am with you kids I guess I never think that anything bad could ever really happen to you. I wasn’t thinking.” He reaches over and runs a thumb under her bruised eye. “I am so sorry.”

Taking his hand in hers she smiles sadly at him, “Don’t be. I’m a big girl and I make my own decisions. Do you really think I would have allowed someone to come with me? I would have fought you tooth and nail about it and in the end this still would have happened. If anyone should be sorry it should be me. I should have told you about the danger the minute Luke told me.”

“Well I’m not going to take your apology.” Her dad says before squeezing her hand, “Maybe we should just blame that boyfriend of yours and call it a day, huh?”


“What?” He asks innocently. “Robbie, I am seriously lacking fertilizer with your sister not bringing any boys home and you all settled down. How the hell do you expect me to keep my lawn so green?”

Laughing she lowers her forehead onto his shoulder, “I’m sure there are plenty of Gabe’s girlfriends you can use.”

“Women are off limits though that rule does not apply to you if you feel like doing the job for me.”

“We’ll see.”

“Do you love him, Robbie?” He asks her suddenly.

“Yeah, I do. How can I not? He’s so good with Charlie and he’s doing everything he can to take care of us. No one has treated me this good other than you and Grace, Dad. He looks at me…like I’m gold.”

She keeps the rest of her thoughts to herself. She doesn’t tell him that Luke makes her feel whole. She doesn’t say that when he holds her Luke makes her feel like she’s safe. She doesn’t tell Jessup that when he kisses her, her body is set on fire with how much she wants him. Nope, all that is not something she will be telling her father anytime soon, if not ever.

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