
10.1K 84 44

Thank you Time_to_sleep for tagging me!!! ☺️☺️☺️

1- Yes
2- I'm not sure, a lot of my friends say he does but I don't know for sure 😩
3- I don't really have a middle name, but my first name is two put together. I.e Katie-Marie
4- Single, always have been and probably always will be 🤣🤣
5- My sisters and mom on a group chat
6- What did I miss? The Hamilton soundtrack
( I don't know why my text has changed and I'm not sure how to change it back...sorry)
7- 91%
8- Rhi
9- Tom
11- idk I just felt like it
12- tiny Captain America shields

sorry)7- 91%8- Rhi9- Tom10- SOLANGELO FOR LIFE!!!!11- idk I just felt like it12- tiny Captain America shields

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13- November the 3rd

Suicidalpotatoe Harry_Potter_Potato

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