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| I'm smiling cus we're about to destroy those bitches!! |

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| I'm smiling cus we're about to destroy those bitches!! |

HGranger: Thank you guys so much for trusting me again.
Ginandtonic: Mio, we understand now that what you did, you did to protect us.
Prongslette: Yeah, we're just glad to get our goody two shoes back!!
HGranger: I'm crying!! This means so much to me guys.
BZucchini: I still cant believe I let you guys talk me into this
ImPANsexual: Daddy Blaise, they used Hermione against us.
BZucchini: you're right ... LETS WRECK THEM!!!


| We about to end these girls whole career |

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| We about to end these girls whole career |

Drachoe: MY BOYFREN!! That's my boyfren!! Love you darling ❤
Prongslette: I LOVE YOU TOO 💚
RonLovesChicken: I'm getting hyped up now
TheoNott: Me too my g, me too
PhoeMalfoy: ^
ImPANsexual: They deserve what's coming
Plantsarefriends: So we just stick to the plan??
Loony: Yep @Plantsarefriends


| Me and my sister are very excited about the plan |

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| Me and my sister are very excited about the plan |

BZucchini: Hell yeah boooiiii
ImPANsexual: How do you two look so adorable!!!
Prongslette: ^^^^^^^^^
PhoeMalfoy: Love you
Ginandtonic: so ... we ready??
Loony: yeah who's gonna do it though??
HGranger: I'm... not sure
RonLovesChicken: I'll so it.
TheoNott: you sure?!?!
RonLovesChicken: Yeah. 100%


| shout out to the most beautiful, kind, smart, loving and selfless girl I know

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| shout out to the most beautiful, kind, smart, loving and selfless girl I know. Hermione I love you more than words can say, an that's why I'm so fucking angry at those snakes who thought it would be a good idea  to play you against us. Use you as a pawn in their sick and twisted game. These past months we all thought you had turned into some kind of cruel, heartless monster when in fact the real monsters were Cho and Lavender. They got you to say things and do things you would never even dream of doing. I love you so much nd I'm never going to let those bitches hurt you or anyone else again. |
Tagged: HGranger ChoC LavnederXoXo

Drachoe: 👏👏👏👏👏
Prongslette: Well done Ron!!!
ImPANsexual: Let's see how they like being targeted!!
Ginandtonic: Those stanks deserve it
HGranger: I love you too Ron, more than anything. Thank you all so much, and thank you Draco and Phoe, if it wasnt for you no one would of believed me.
PhoeMalfoy: Dont mention it, we're just glad everything is out in the open now.
MillieMoo: Wait so Chang and Brown were blackmailing you??
Parvati: Is this all true??
Padma: If so they are horrible bullies.
TheoNott: Its all true, we've put up picture of their messages all around hogwarts
TheIrishOne: That's sick. How can they do that?? To Hermione too??
LavenderXoXo: ITS NOT TRUE!!
Loony: It doesnt matter who started it,  you both still did it. And now you're gonna have to pay the price.
BZucchini: Enjoy being known as the two snakes of Hogwarts.
Drachoe: We should celebrate!! Hermiones finally been proven innocent.
RonLovesChicken: I'm always up for a celebration
Ginandtonic: What should we do??
TheoNott: Road trip?? This summer?? CAN I BRING NEIL PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!
PhoeMalfoy: OMG YAAAS!!!

Sorry it took so long to update guys!! The road trip will probably start in a couple of chapters. Maybe chapter 31. Also if anyone is confused with the timeline, it's the beginning of april in this chapter.
Love you all so much 💚❤💚❤💚❤💚❤

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