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Group chat
Law and Order (dun dun)


HGranger: What is this??
HGranger: You here to tell me what a terrible human being I am? Cus I already know.
PhoeMalfoy: No Granger, we're not gonna be mean to you.
Drachoe: We're here to prove your innocence (hence the name of the group chat)
HGranger: Wait ... wut?
Drachoe: Yep. We are gonna save your butt!
Drachoe: But that doesn't mean we completely forgive you ... yet.
HGranger: of course. That's totally understandable!!! You're really gonna help me?
PhoeMalfoy: Yeah, we have a sneaking suspicion that someone else is to blame for this.
HGranger: You do...
Drachoe: We thing Chang and Brown might be the root to our problems.
PhoeMalfoy: So ... are they?
HGranger: well...
PhoeMalfoy: Hermione we need to know so we can help you. Unless it has nothing to do with them.
HGranger: No it does.
HGranger: Well, they told me that if I don't play along with their cruel games  they'll ruin Harry's, Ron's, Luna's, basically everyone's reputations.
HGranger: They have black mail on us all.
Drachoe: Blackmail? What kind of blackmail?
HGranger: I'm not sure for certain what it's about.
HGranger: But I do know they have pictures and screenshots.
PhoeMalfoy: So you were only mean to ... protect everyone?
HGranger: Basically. And Phoenix I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean any of it.
PhoeMalfoy: Well..
PhoeMalfoy: Apology accepted.
HGranger: And Draco, I'm sorry about the bullying and slurs.
Drachoe: ...
HGranger: Please...I'm so so sorry.
Drachoe: fine!
Drachoe: You're forgiven.
HGranger: Thank you!!!
PhoeMalfoy: well now we have to get proof of Chang and Brown being dirty little blackmailers and we can get you on good terms with everyone else!!!

Drachoe left the chat
PhoeMalfoy left the chat
HGranger left the chat.

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