
7.6K 76 12

Hey guys, thank you so so so much to every one who has commented, voted, read or added this book. It means so much to me knowing that some people enjoy what I'm writing. Unfortunately I won't be uploading anything for a couple of days ( 3 at most ). I'm just dealing with some issues with my mental health and going through a bit of a rough time at the moment, but I'm getting better and I'll make sure to update soon. Because of that I won't really be on Wattpad for a few days, so I'm really sorry if I don't follow you or reply to your comments, but I'll make sure to catch up to all that in a few days. ☺️☺️☺️

Again thank you all so much, I didn't realise writing a fan diction would make me so happy and pleased, but you are all so supportive and lovely, I couldn't be more grateful.

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