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| so glad we went on this trip with my fave person |

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| so glad we went on this trip with my fave person |

Drachoe: aawww thanks Pans, you are my fave person too!!
Pongslette: Excuse me. @Drachoe
TheoNott: umm... actually she is talking about me.
BZucchini: pffftt sure. I'm OBVIOUSLY her favourite person.
Drachoe: puh-lease!! I dont see you in that picture.
ImPANsexual: Sorry boys but I was talking about Phoenix. I only used that picture cus I look cute 😊
PhoeMalfoy: Aaawwww Pans, you look cute in every picture.


| nice to know I'm your favourite person |Tagged: Drachoe

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| nice to know I'm your favourite person |
Tagged: Drachoe

RonLovesChicken: 😂😂😂
Drachoe: ... Harry James Potter, you are dead meat.
PhoeMalfoy: Wow, now I know I'm the ugly sibling! 😂
Ginandtonic: Looking good Dray!
Drachoe: I'm not kissing you for a week.
Prongslette: NOOOOOOO I'm sorry!!
BZucchini: I cant breath!! I have never laughed so hard in my life


| You're an alright big brother

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| You're an alright big brother. |

Drachoe: I'm the best big brother actually.
TheoNott: Your eyebrows are like my self esteem. None existent.
ImPANsexual: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
PhoeMalfoy: @TheoNott Fuck of m8. @ImPANsexual love you!!
Prongslette: That was such a good day.
HGranger: 👏🏽 sibling 👏🏽 goals


| This night was one for the history books |Tagged: BZucchini PhoeMalfoy Loony HGranger

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| This night was one for the history books |
Tagged: BZucchini PhoeMalfoy Loony HGranger

TheoNott: What happened that night??
RonLovesChicken: Yes please tell us!!!
Ginandtonic: We tried to hook up Blaise. And failed miserably.
ImPANsexual: Who's that guy in the background?
PhoeMalfoy: idk, some random dude who photo bombed us.
Loony: That night was fun and crazy.
HGranger: I will definitely tell my grandkids about it.

Group chat
Hogwarts beeches 💚💛💙❤

Prongslette: I cant believe the summer is nearly over already
PhoeMalfoy: me too, I had a lot of fun on this trip.
HGranger: ditto.
RonLovesChicken: I never thought I would say this but I'm sad I'm not going back to school.
TheoNott: me too.
Ginandtonic: why??
Ginandtonic: poor me and luna still have another year of lessons and test left.
Drachoe: I'm not gonna miss the classes or the exams, but iam gonna miss other things.
BZucchini: Like quidditch.
ImPANsexual: Sneaking out at night to swim in the black lake.
RonLovesChicken: The feasts!
HGranger: Of course you would miss the food Ron.
PhoeMalfoy: I have only been in hogwarts for a year but ...
PhoeMalfoy: It feels like I've been there my whole life.
Prongslette: I understand. Hogwarts is my home.
Loony: What are you guys gonna do now then?
RonLovesChicken: I'm doing auror training.
HGranger: I'm becoming an activist. Hopefully I can make the wizarding world a better place for everyone.
PhoeMalfoy: I'm studying alchemy, so I can become an alchemist.
Drachoe: I'm studying healing, when I get my degree I'm gonna become a healer. I'm not sure if i wanna work in hogwarts or St Mungos yet.
Prongslette: I wanna become a teacher at hogwarts. Teaching DADA. I figured if i could do it in 5th year, i can do it as a job.
TheoNott: I'm gonna join Ronniekins in auror training. We are gonna be so badass!!!
BZucchini: Puddlemere United have actually offered me a spot on there team as a backup chaser. They say if I do well and prove myself I'll become a full time chaser.
ImPANsexual: I'm working with madam malkins at the moment, but I wanna open up my own clothing shop one day in hogsmead.
Ginandtonic: That's great guys, I'm sure you will all do great. Ps Blaise the holyhead harpies are better.
BZucchini: lies, cries and denies.
Loony: Wow, this is crazy, you are all getting jobs and everything. You are officially adults.
HGranger: yeah.
HGranger: Its funny how at the beginning of the year we didnt get along with any of the slytherin but now...
TheoNott: We are BFF's!!!
BZucchini: I'm glad.
RonLovesChicken: me too mate.
PhoeMalfoy: we will always be friend right??
Drachoe: Always.

Ok guys, that is the end of this book. I really hope you all enjoyed it. It really meant a lot to me. Every vote. Every comment. Every read. I love you guys so much. Without you I wouldn't of had the inspiration to carry this book on, but you guys made it so I finally found something I really enjoy!!
I'm so sad to put an end to this book. I have made many friends along the way and I have fallen in love with this story. I hope you all have too.
I will be doing a part two to this story, it will be set a few months after teh summer, where they have all settled into their jobs/training and it will involve bigger changes in all their lives e.g moving in together, proposals, maybe even new family members (hint hint). Btw if anyone is wondering where Teddy is, he was living with andromeda whilst Harry was doing his final year but he will be involved in part two!!!
Again thank you everyone who supported me!!!!

I love you all!!!

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