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| Had so much fun I hogsmeade with you guys

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| Had so much fun I hogsmeade with you guys. |
Tagged: PhoeMalfoy TheoNott BZucchini Drachoe

PhoeMalfoy: Thanks guys, we had so much fun, my first Hogsmeade trip was a success!
BZucchini: yayayayay!!! We're glad you two are feeling better
Drachoe: it's official. We have the most amazing friends. 😭😭😭
Ginandtonic: was it about you're last post? Is that why you were feeling sad? @Drachoe @PhoeMalfoy
Drachoe: your*
Prongslette: who made you sad???
TheoNott: getting a bit ... protective there Potter.
Drachoe: @prongslette it's nothing, we're fine now. Besides it's none of your business. But ... thanks anyway.
ImPANsexual: 👁👄👁 but seriously I'm glad we could cheer you up.
HGranger: I hope you guys feel better 💚💚💚


| I didn't know there was a fancy dress shop in Hogsmeade |Tagged: Drachoe ImPANsexual BZucchini PhoeMalfoy

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| I didn't know there was a fancy dress shop in Hogsmeade |
Tagged: Drachoe ImPANsexual BZucchini PhoeMalfoy

Drachoe: the wig suits you
TheoNott: everything suits me 👌🏼
PhoeMalfoy: I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.
BZucchini: It's true. She struggled to type that out because she's still cackling on the floor 😂
ImPANsexual: where are you guys? Are you alone? @BZucchini @PhoeMalfoy
Loony: I love that dress up shop, I go there to get my new clothes
RonLovesChicken: Harry still think you look hot @drachoe
TheoNott: I look hot too 😞
PhoeMalfoy: You look bootiful Theo
TheoNott: 💚💚💚💚💚


| look who I ran into

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| look who I ran into ... |
Tagged: ChoC LavenderXoXo

ChoC: so glad we could catch up xxx
LavenderXoXo: thanks for giving us a second chance, I'm glad we can be friends now
HGranger: well I'm glad I have two new friends ☺️
RonLovesChicken: uuummm Mione have you lost your mind?
HGranger: what?
Drachoe: wait ... but ... I thought You three hated each other??
Prongslette: hello Draco. 💚💚💚
Ginandtonic: GC now!!!

Sorry I haven't updated in so long, I just started college. But I'll try my best to update as often as I can. Next chapter will be a group chat chapter.

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