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Group chat:
The Lion's GC


Loony: why am I in the 'lions GC'? I'm a Ravenclaw. 💙
Ginandtonic: well deal with that later Luna, but right now we have bigger issues at hand.
RonLovesChicken: yeah like Hermione new 'friends'
HGranger: Come on guys, they have changed. They both seemed genuine and sincere when they apologised.
Ginandtonic: you know for the smartest witch of your age you sure can be a dumbass (no offence)
Prongslette: what Ginny means to say is that they're manipulating you!
PlantsAreFriends: its tru
HGranger: Don't be so ridiculous.
RonLovesChicken: Even Malfoy realised something was fishy.
Loony: I think we should invite them to the group chat. They might be able to talk some sense in Hermoine, plus I won't be the only non Gryffindor.
Prongslette: I think that's a great idea Luna
Ginandtonic: you just wanna talk to Draco Malfoy. But fine, I'll add them.

Ginandtonic added:

BZucchini: what is this?
PlantsAreFriends: we're just talking about how 'mione is getting manipulated by a certain Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.
TheoNott: you mean Chang and Brown?
Drachoe: well it is pretty obvious
Prongslette: you are completely right Draco, I fully agree with you ☺️😍😘
HGranger: They are NOT manipulating me!!!!
PhoeMalfoy: look I may not have been here for long, but I know manipulation when I see it.
RonLovesChicken: SEE!! Even the Slytherins can see it!
ImPANsexual: like Draco said it's obvious
PhoeMalfoy: don't you think it's a little suspicious that they all of a sudden want to be you friend and hang out all the time?
HGranger: ... whatever 🙄

HGranger left the chat

Ginandtonic: well ... that went well.not.
Loony: I'm still not happy with the name of this group chat.
TheoNott: me too, we need to change it.
Drachoe has changed the name of the group chat to: Hogwarts Beeches 💚💛💙❤️
RonLovesChicken: why is the red hear last?
Ginandtonic: and who gave you GC permission to change it??
Prongslette: 👀👀👀👀👀
PlantsAreFriends: HARRY!!!
Prongslette: im sorry! He kept on asking for permissions and I couldn't say no.
PhoeMalfoy: well it's late, I'm gonna head to bed.
ImPANsexual: same, hopefully granger realises she's hanging out with two manipulative bitches.
RonLovesChicken: yeah ... me too

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