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| never thought me and Harry would hang out with you Slytherins, but it was actually pretty fun |Tagged: prongslette Drachoe TheoNott 📸BZucchini

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| never thought me and Harry would hang out with you Slytherins, but it was actually pretty fun |
Tagged: prongslette Drachoe TheoNott

Ginandtonic: but I only see you, Harry and Theo in the picture. Where's Draco?
RonLovesChicken: He saw an ice cream van and ran after it screaming 'I want my knickerblocker glory you wanker'
Loony: I'm so glad everyone is getting along ☺️☺️☺️
PlantsAreFriends: it looks like fun -cough- why wasn't I invited -cough-
TheoNott: you can come with us next time. Also it was hilarious watching Draco run after the van
Drachoe: Shut up. It knew I was hungry and it teased me
PhoeMalfoy: did you get your ice cream?
Prongslette: he did. And he ate it all in 2 mins
ImPANsexual: typical Draco 😂


| look what you made me do |

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| look what you made me do |

ChoC: they won't know what hit them 😂
LavenderXoXo: looking good 'mione
HGranger: thanks guys @ChoC @LavenderXoXo
RonLovesChicken: Hermione, please. What's gotten into you? What happened to my loving, smart, kind girlfriend?
HGranger: 🙄 what girlfriend?


| Only in the Slytherin common room |Tagged: GGoyle TheoNott

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| Only in the Slytherin common room |
Tagged: GGoyle TheoNott

Drachoe: I don't want a lot for christmas
ImPANsexual: there is just one thing I need
TheoNott: and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
GGoyle: I don't care about the presents under neath the Christmas tree
Minniemoo: I just want you for my own, more than you could EVER KNOW
PhoeMalfoy: make my wish come true, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOOOOOUUUUU
BZucchini: 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Vincywincy: bootiful
TracyDav: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
AGreengrass: this is why Slytherin is the best
Prongslette: I'm confuzzled
PlantsAreFriends: the one time I wish I was a Slytherin 🐍

AN just letting you know this chapter is set a few weeks before the Christmas break. The next chapter might be about a ball/Christmas party or something like that 💚❤️💚
Also a knickerbocker glory is an ice cream, idk if they have them in America.

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