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| glad I ruined your night ☺️|

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| glad I ruined your night ☺️|

ChoC: so proud of you😘
Ginandtonic: You've turned into a real bitch Hermione
Prongslette: that was too far ...
ImPANsexual: Don't look so smug Granger, soon you're gonna regret it. I'll make sure of it.
TheoNott: no one messes with us snakes and walks away fine
RonLovesChicken: Hermione, that was so wrong. It was disgusting.
LavenderXoXo: Don't listen to them Mio xxx

Group Chat
Hogwarts beeches 💚💛💙❤️

Drachoe: what the fuck is wrong with her?!
PlantsAreFriends: Draco...
RonLovesChicken: No he's right. She crossed the line, she had no right to do what she did.
ImPANsexual: next time I see her I'm gonna fucking knock her out!! NO ONE HURTS MY PHOENIX AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!!
Prongslette: guys lets all calm down. We know what she did was wrong but bringing it up again isn't going to help Phoe.
TheoNott: Harry's right (for once) Phoenix are you ok?
PhoeMalfoy: I'm fine
Drachoe: no you're not.
PhoeMalfoy: yes iam. So she said some bad things to me...big deal.
BZucchini: Phoe...
Ginandtonic: It's ok to be upset
PhoeMalfoy: I just...
PhoeMalfoy: I just don't understand why she targeted me...
Loony: oh Phoenix, it's okay. You know nothing she said was true.
Drachoe: meet me in the special place in ten mins. I'm bringing ice cream 💚
PhoeMalfoy: 💚

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