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| I stole Harry's glasses

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| I stole Harry's glasses. I think I look pretty good |
Tagged: Prongslette

HGranger: So that's why Harry hasn't been texting me back, he cant see!! 😂
PhoeMalfoy: You look great Blaise. You look so good that if you hit me with a car I would apologise.
Ginandtonic: How did you steal them??? Can I have them next???
RonLovesChicken: Sorry sis, but Blaise already promised me I would be next. But you can have them after me cus I'm a nice brother.


| they definitely do not look as good on me |Tagged: Prongslette

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| they definitely do not look as good on me |
Tagged: Prongslette

Drachoe: How did they get stolen?!?!
HGranger: Ron you look gorgeous, but I do think you look even more gorgeous without glasses
ImPANsexual: 😭😭😭😭😭
Loony: Poor Harry, but this is too funny.
Ginandtonic: Okay you've taken your picture, now give me the glasses!!!


| I guess Weasley's aren't meant for glasses |Tagged: Prongslette

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| I guess Weasley's aren't meant for glasses |
Tagged: Prongslette

RonLovesChicken: I agree sis, I agree
TheoNott: Give me the glasses!!
ImPANsexual: I have never laughed so hard in my life 😄
Loony: You look bootiful Ginny
Plantsarefriends: Harry wont stop complaining about losing his glasses.

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