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| showing support for my hufflepuff friends |

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| showing support for my hufflepuff friends |

RonLovesChicken: you don't have any friends in hufflepuff
Ginandtonic: Yes I do
PlantsAreFriends: Who are they?
BZucchini: What's their names??
Loony: How old are they???
Ginandtonic: Ummmm ... Yasmine? She's 16??
Prongslette: There's no Yasmine in Hufflepuff who is sixteen.
ImPANsexual: I have never seen you interact with a hufflepuff. EVER!!
Ginandtonic: Shut up all of you!!
Drachoe: You just wanted an excuse to wear a yellow shirt didn't you??


| I'm smiling cus Ron fell over and spilt his juice |

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| I'm smiling cus Ron fell over and spilt his juice |

PhoeMalfoy: 😂😂😂😂😂
RonLovesChicken: I hate you. I hope YOU trip in front of everyone and become really embarrassed and ashamed!!!
Prongslette: Sorry *cough* not *cough*
Drachoe: Well ... that's one way to cough in text.
Ginandtonic: Only you Ron. Only you.
Loony: Aaaaww Harry!!!
TheoNott: That smile is sweet and sinister at the same time.


| Sorry I stole your hat Blaise |

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| Sorry I stole your hat Blaise |

BZucchini: It's ok, it looks better on you anyway.
PhoeMalfoy: I agree with Daddy Blaise ^
Prongslette: I'm still confused on why you call him Daddy Blaise?!
Ginandtonic: Cus he is their dad. OBvIoUSLy!
MillieMoo: ^
Drachoe: ^^
TheoNott: ^^^

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