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| I have never been so excited for a road trip!! |📷 Neil_Reed

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| I have never been so excited for a road trip!! |
📷 Neil_Reed

Drachoe: ME TOO SISTER!!!
PhoeMalfoy: Never say sister again. Your not James charles
ImPANsexual: My girlfriend is so cuuuute!
HGranger: So glad we are doing this. It will be nice to hang out and explore.
Loony: 😊😊😊
Neil_Reed: I'm a great photographer. Just saying 😗


| 4 weeks surrounded by a bunch of crazy teenagers

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| 4 weeks surrounded by a bunch of crazy teenagers ... cant wait |

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| we havent even left yet and I've already caused my brother physical injury |Tagged: RonLovesChicken

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| we havent even left yet and I've already caused my brother physical injury |
Tagged: RonLovesChicken

RonLovesChicken: You did that on purpose 😤 I'm telling mom.
Prongslette: Only you Ginny... only you ...
Loony: Dont worry, I'm sure he wasnt too hurt. Ron does tend to ... over exaggerate.
TheoNott: What are you, 3?? @RonLovesChicken
Ginandtonic: DONT BE A SNITCH



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