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DRACO'S VOICE SEEMED to crack as he uttered three syllables, holding so much of pain and hurt and Camila's heart broke along with it

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DRACO'S VOICE SEEMED to crack as he uttered three syllables, holding so much of pain and hurt and Camila's heart broke along with it.

She turned in what seemed like slow motion, her mind recalling all the drama and gossip that was written in the newspapers about him. Him taking care of the cafe, Ginny and Harry breaking up and Harry and Draco.

Harry and Draco being together. That article broke her heart, no matter how much she had joked with him about it.

"You came back?" He asked, disbelief evident in his voice. Camila shook her thoughts away, focusing on him. He still looked as good as he looked when she left, but she wasn't sure if she was even allowed to think of him in that way again.

Camila nodded, the words getting lodged in her throat as she felt herself tearing up. Draco noticed this and also how all the others in the cafe were dead silent, eagerly watching all this unfold.

"Let's speak somewhere privately." He muttered before turning around and walking towards the kitchen. She followed him there, closing the door behind her.

"Why? Why did you disappear? Why did you tell me to take care of the cafe?" He asked her, his questions holding the same fire that seemed to be burning within him. "Why did you come back?" He asked softly, his voice not hiding any of his pain.

"I was only going to continue hurting you if I stayed." She whispered, scared that she would hurt him again. "It wasn't fair for me to hurt you just because I was hurting."

Draco tried to process her words, unable to reply. He nodded at her, urging her to go on.

"I don't know why I left the cafe under your care. You were the last person I saw before I left and it was so hurried." She said, not really knowing the answer to his question.

"Where did you go?" He asked, worried about where she'd been for an entire year.

"I went to all the places the Noah had wanted to go. I needed closure and that was the closest thing I could think of." She answered, this time her answer was the surest thing she had said to him.

She was getting tired of all his questions and wanted to ask some of her own. "Are you and Harry together?" She asked, dying to know since she read it in the paper.

Draco nodded. "Well after you left I was taking care of the cafe and he was here to make sure I wasn't doing anything that I wasn't supposed to be doing because he thought he owed you that." He said, a small smile on his face as thought of what had happened. "We slowly became friends and he was helping me with the pain. One thing led to another and we both realised we liked each other."

The old Camila would have wanted to scream at him and tell him to stop rubbing his relationship in her face. But now she had learnt to love her life and this didn't seem to affect her much. It just made her happy that he had found someone who made him happy, even if it wasn't her.

The kitchen door flung open when she was about to start speaking. Harry was panting as he entered, his face very worried.

"I came as soon as I heard you were back." He said, still panting in between words. "Oh thank merlin! You two haven't murdered each other yet."

Camila rolled her eyes at him. "I missed you and your craziness." She said, softly, smiling up at him. Harry smiled at her, hugging her.

Draco was surprised at her reaction. He thought she was going to hate both of them but it seemed like it was only him at the receiving end. He cleared his throat, catching their attention. "Since you're back, you will take care of the cafe right?" He asked, wanting to leave.

"Yeah." She nodded. "But you're always welcome here."

Draco nodded at her and left the kitchen. Harry looked at her questioningly and she sighed at him. "Things are a little bit awkward." She answered.

"I'll speak to him." He said. She looked ready to protest when he stopped her. "I don't want you both having any bad blood."

When she had stopped trying to argue back, he left the kitchen in search of Draco.

Camila was left wondering if things would ever go back to normal, hoping they would for the sake of her sanity.

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