009 - staccato

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《 stəˈkädō 》
performed with each note sharply detached or separated from the others.

It was like a whirlwind of events, one moment I was with Jisoo and then my mind would always drift back to Joohyun. I kept going back, and always sharply thinking or not thinking. One moment, I was sad, and the other was a moments filled with bliss for one last time. It changed so quickly, every moment was so fleeing. But there were so detached from each other.

The notes got quicker every moment, the staccatos increased. Making my head spin, my heart pound. Why was this happening? Why couldn't I just stay in one place, my heart jumping with her but slowly beating and making my heart churn with compassion. Could I not be able to leave Jisoo.

I closed my eyes, as the night flew past me and days moved on.

It's been 2 months, 2 months of dating, we laughed and smiled. Just like friends. But it was different, it was bound to happen. I felt that churning in my heart, the palpitations louder than it was ever before. I didn't need to ask my heart what it was, I knew it. The familiar, nostalgic feeling that I had once with him. Came coursing back through me.

Everyday we spent together, every moment, every second spent with romantic feelings. I knew he had it too, I could feel it. From every hand held, from every time he glanced at me. But it was mutual, the fiery passion I had with him wasn't this. It was mellow and soft and calm—what I wanted. Someone who loved me for me not for my face.

Not my outer shell.

He loved all the layers, until I saw him again.

That fiery passion I felt came back with him, those little kisses, the smiles under the sunlight. My heart was split into two. Who could I pick? The one who called be a broken mirror or the one who loved me for me?

I didn't know.

I held Joohyun's hand tightly her hair flying the air, her lips pressed in a thin line. I knew she was mad that we made her choose between us. But I wanted to remember the old moments, the ones with the falling snow.

"Seokjin ah look at the falling snow!" She marveled at the small snowflakes that constantly fell one after one. Their little intricate designs, as they fell pillowing over each other and disappear.

Irene walks over to me, her smiling face now gone, replaced with a sad, melancholy look. "We're just like those snowflakes right? Right after I find someone or you find someone this facade will stop." Her tears fell, dripping down her face and slowly melted the soft white snow.

I walked over to her my heart quelling with sadness with the thoughts of her leaving me. I didn't want that, but it was true wasn't it? Once she finds Taehyung in all this mess, she leave. But why couldn't I hate him, for stealing the girl I so dearly love?

At least I knew she loved me in that moment.

I looked at her, her face paling each second. "Joohyun? Is there something wrong?"

She turned her body towards me eyes littered with tears, eyebrows scrunched and she screamed "Why Seokjin, why, huh? Why do you guys always make me choose why can't you just let me have both of you? My heart isn't strong enough for this!"

I wiped her tears, my large hand touching her face "Joohyun, in the end there will always be someone you love more.." I spoke softly and muttering the rest "even if it's not me."

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