16 - tied

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restrict or limit (someone) to a particular situation, occupation, or place.

They walked back and forth, even more nervous than I was. I was dressed in such a fancy garb and I've never felt more luxurious in my life. But this was to be expected, my hair was done intricately and marvelously.

But I understood why they were nervous, I was nervous as well. It was something special, the thing that all women dream of. Their wedding.

It was bliss, everybody was smiling and cheering. This is what I wanted. Everything was perfect.

Then the music began playing and I felt those nerves rolling right back in. I took a tentative step, then another and another until I was right in front of him. He was dashing, handsome, and beautiful. He had his adorable boxy smile flashing at me.

Everything was perfect. Everything was perfect. It was perfect. Right?

I had the groom I wanted. I had my friends and family. The wedding I always wanted and the man.

The man I was so sure I was going to marry. I do love him.

We kissed, I felt his warm lips upon mine. The ring was on and the cheers were evident.

My heart felt light and airy, I did choose the right man.

I smiled.

"Joohyun ah, did you see that Seokjin Hyung ended up in Paris?"

I looked up, they were still in contact? "You guys are still in contact?"

Taehyung laughed "Of course, we're still like brothers. Anyway he became this very famous chef."

My heart started hammering and I felt my cheeks go red. Why was I so nervous?

But I knew deep down that I did not make the right choice.

It was always him, my heart was always his to break. Always his.


𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now