Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This was the 19th fanfiction that I wrote. I like to believe I've developed and learned new things throughout writing all those stories, so the newer they are, the better grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary they have. Thanks for being with me! xx, Lotta.


It is a dark and foggy night. Everybody around the campus is quiet. The time being 12 a.m. Some dorm party could clearly be heard in the distance; the loud cheering, beer pong and karaoke feeling like a death sentence for the college students studying for their first day back tomorrow and staying up all night.

Me and Jughead aren't asleep. Neither of us are studying. We have just gotten back from our trip to home, Riverdale. We saw our families; FP, Jellybean, all of my brothers, their partners and kids. The two of us are still left in shock by how big Noah has gotten over the year we haven't seen him. We thought he would be almost like last year when he was 3. Now he's 4 and so not the baby we saw a year before that.

Charlotte has gotten older as well. She's the daughter of Matt and his husband for two years already, William. They adopted her a year ago and I have only seen her a few times, but she is a lovely 3 year old and we all love how shy she is, but in the mean time how fast she can start communicating if she wants to.

Jellybean is 19 now, starting her second year in college. She's studying medicine, she wants to become a doctor (even though it takes about 11 years to become one in US).

Somehow V and Toni have gotten together again. Cheryl was heartbroken at first, but now it's all fine, they're friends again. Now she understands what Veronica had to go through earlier. Ronnie and me are still best friends, we share their secrets, we go out whenever we have the time to. Since me and Jughead are in Harvard and V and Toni are in NYU, it's easier for us to hang out than with the others who are splattered all over the country.

A loud pleasured moan escapes my mouth as Jughead is making his way up again. He stopped on my breasts and is now circling his tongue around my hardened nipples, enjoying it himself and loving the way he can affect me as well. My fingers are laced through his dark locks, tugging his head upwards to get to kiss him. He lets me and our lips meet.

"You know it's school tomorrow, right?" I ask, my breath getting hitched as Jughead starts kissing his way to the back of my ear. "We need to sleep."

"This here doesn't affect our sleeping, baby," he whispers against my bare shoulder, his hands caressing my waist from both sides, making love. 

You can call having sex so many different things. Having sex could be fucking, it could be having an intercourse, it can be penetrating, pleasuring, or making love. Fucking doesn't involve kisses, it isn't anything romantic, it's just pure lust and that's it. Pleasuring is doing something with your fingers or tongue —which Jughead is also good at— to make your partner feel good.

What us two do most of the time though, is called making love. Kissing and touching each other everywhere, whispering sweet nothings into each other's ears, moaning each other's names. Of course it also involves some fucking, but that's only a tiny part of it. Making love is called that exactly because it's making your love true, showing each other how much you really appreciate them and love them. That is what they're doing.

"Jug, if you keep touching me like that, neither of us won't have any sleep tonight, believe me," I groan. I feel a small sigh against my pulse point and he looks up at me with a sad face, making me smile a bit. "Seriously, we need to get up at 8."

"But I love you and you won't be able to sleep when you're all hot and needy," he teases.

I groan, acknowledging the hot pool between my legs now that he mentioned it. "Fine. Just one round," I say and look at his winner smile as he presses his boxers against my panties. Both of us moan at the way the other feels and then chuckle in desperation, pushing the pants off.

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