Chapter 8

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"You nervous?" Jug asks me, our fingers entwined and hands resting on my thigh.

I pull my eyes away from the door to the doctor's office and look over at Jughead next to me. "I mean..." I sigh with a small smile. "I don't really care about the gender. Just, I'm worried that if it's a boy, you'll be disappointed."

He chuckles softly. "Baby... I don't care either. Of course I'd love a little girl, but a little baby boy won't be any worse. I kind of hope it's a boy actually."

I roll my eyes at him. "You hope it's twins?"

He chuckles. "No, one is enough." We both grin at that. "Just imagine teaching him to be a gentleman and a really thoughtful guy. Like me," he teases.

I giggle and hit his arm while also kissing his cheek. "Betty Cooper?" someone calls. I look up at our doctor and we both get up, going inside her office. "How are you both doing?"

"We're great. A bit more sleep wouldn't be bad, but it's okay," I answer softly and sit down on the bed.

"Alright," she smiles, putting her gloves on. "Want to take a look?" We both nod eagerly and she smiles, telling me to lie down. I do it, my hand moving to hold Juggie's and I lift my shirt up a bit to allow Mrs. Johnson to put gel on it.

She does it and starts circling the small machine on it, making me try to hold my giggles back again. My eyes stay glued to the screen as do Jug's while the doctor smiles, searching for something. She nods to herself and soon it's over. I wipe my belly clean with some paper towels. "Would you like to know the gender?" she asks, typing something into her computer.

"We were thinking maybe you could write it down on a paper so that we could look at it at home?" Jughead asks.

"Of course," she smiles and I look away when she takes a pen and a paper to write it down. Jughead places the folded paper into his pocket when he gets it and I go back to weighting, talking about my cravings and all that typical stuff.

An hour later, we're back at home. Jug is making some snacks for us, mostly for me I hope, and I'm sitting on the couch, looking at him in our opened kitchen and dining area, freaking out. The note is still in his pocket and he seems as eager to get it out as I do. So in a few minutes, she hurries to me, placing the snacks down and sits next to me.

He looks at me and I nod in agreement, making him take the small paper out. "Open it," I whisper when he keeps still. He doesn't move. I reach out for it, but he moves it a bit away, both of us grinning. "Go," I chuckle.

I notice his adam's apple popping up and down before he carefully unfolds the paper. We both stare at it with widened eyes.

It's a boy! Congratulations! 

"Oh my god," I squeal, basically jumping on him as I wrap my arms around him. He breathes out sharply, a huge smile appearing on his face as he hugs me back.

"We're having a baby boy," he whispers, my tears running to his bare neck and chest. "We're having a boy," he repeats quietly and I hear the huge smile he's wearing at the moment.

I have no idea how long we sit and cry from joy like this. It could be a few hours, seconds or minutes, I'm not sure. When we're done though, he wipes my tears away, kissing me thoroughly and sweetly, satisfying the both of us. I pull away soon enough, my hands moving onto my belly. He looks down at it as well and lifts my big shirt up to my breasts.

He starts planting kisses on my belly as always, now crying at the same time. "Hey bud," he whispers, caressing my skin. "I can't wait to meet you," he says before planting another kiss on my bellybutton.

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