Chapter 7

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"I know, Matt, I'm sorry," I sigh into my phone after telling my brother we can't make it to his place in Washington for the Christmas day.

"Betty, I was looking forward to it," he sighs.

"Come on, we'll be there one day later, who cares about the dinner, honestly..."

"I care about the dinner," he protests. "I wanted you all to be here."

"And we will, just a day later. " I hear him sigh at that, which makes me smirk. "Matty you're 33, stop the pouting."

He chuckles quietly in the other end of the phone. "You promise me you two will be here on the 26th?"

"I promise," I vow, nodding. "Now if you'd excuse me, I'd go back to writing an e-mail to a publisher being interested in publishing my novel."

"What?" he asks in shock.

"Byee," I chuckle and end the call.

On the 26th December, we are woken up by the sudden alarm of Jughead's phone. His arm disappears from around me for a moment, the alarm stops, and it comes right back, his nose nudging my cheek softly. "Morning," he whispers.

Neither of us really got much sleep last night. I was up finishing my work I have to send away in a few days and he tried to help. In the end it still didn't get done though, so I'm going to bring my laptop with me to our trip to my brothers and their families.

"Morning," I murmur.

He does his normal morning routine; he kisses me, tells me he loves me many many times, attempts to get me up and make me smile, and then when I'm almost awake, he moves down to my belly and raises his shirt on me up a bit, planting kisses on my stomach.

I smile at him when he starts talking ti our baby as every day, kissing the belly in where he or she is. When he finally looks up at me, he smiles at me even bigger and pushes himself right back to me, his arms wrapping around me gently.

"You know," I tease, "Maybe once the baby starts moving and we know her gender and have settled on a name, he or she will actually answer to you someway?"

His eyes start sparkling at that, imagining how he could feel the baby inside me kicking his hand softly. "Oh my god," he breathes out, making me giggle.

I lean close to him and kiss his lips softly. "You're a marshmallow, Jughead Jones."

He smirks. "A marshmallow, huh?" he smirks just as I close my eyes. His lips lean close to my ear. "How so?" he whispers.

"You try to seem like a tough gang member when in reality you're cute and cuddly and have a really soft spot in your heart for this gorgeous blonde sleeping in your arms every night," I tease.

He laughs at me, lips connecting with my temple as he murmurs, "You're too cute to handle."

"You're just a marshmallow," I tease in a sing-song voice. He laughs again, pulling me on top of him. "I'll smash the baby with all this weight."

"Right," he says in a very sarcastic tone, planting kisses all over my face before finally settling on my lips. I enjoy the kiss, making sure to do it thoroughly and when I'm finally done, push his face away a bit, making him frown.

"Really, I read an article where the placenta burst under the weight."

Jughead's eyes widen immediately and he slowly and carefully like I'd be a piece of gold lowers me back onto the bed, next to him. I giggle and it only takes a few moments for him to understand the mocking. He groans and starts tickling me, making me want to pee (like I hadn't been in the bathroom 2 times during the night already).

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