Chapter 6

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"Betts?" Jughead asks, walking into the kitchen. I look up at him for a moment and flash him a small smile before looking back at my laptop and typing away. He sighs and comes to stand behind me on the bar stool behind the kitchen island and wraps his arms around my waist. "Baby, you need to take a break."

"I'm fine," I murmur, but get distracted when he kisses my cheek.

"You need some rest. And the baby needs food," he murmurs against my neck. I chuckle at him and turn myself around on the stool. He looks at me pleadingly. "Let's go out to eat Chinese or something. Please?" he asks sadly.

I push my lower lip over the upper one and rest my arms onto his shoulders, kind of wrapped around his neck. "You're cute. But if you really want the baby without me having to take a gap year, I need to finish this and another article for tomorrow. And I'm a salad, not Chinese."

He sighs deeply, knowing I really want to finish college right now and then later can be home with the baby, maybe get a part time job somewhere or something. I'm not working right now anyways, he's the one doing that for 4 hours a day so that we could pay for the apartment with more money than just the one I got from mom's fund when I turned 18.

"What if you take a nap at least? I promise I'll wake you up in an hour and you have a fresher head and can finish this quicker?" he offers.

I sigh and drop my head onto my nap. "That sounds attempting..."

He smiles at me and helps me off from the stool. We both go to the bedroom and I raise my eyebrows at him when he pulls his shirt off of his sweatpants, climbing into the bed with me. "You didn't say you'd cuddle with me," I murmur, snuggling close to him.

"Mhmm," he murmurs, leaving a kiss onto my forehead as he sets the alarm for 7 p.m. so that we could sleep for exactly an hour and a few minutes. "Come here," he mumbles when the phone is placed back onto the bedside table. He wraps his arms around me and whispers something to me as I'm already asleep.

I wake up to the sound of Juggie's alarm. But I frown, seeing I'm alone in the bed, all his warmth gone as I turn the alarm off. I also feel a great smell coming from the kitchen. So I get up and pull my sweatpants back on accompanied with Jug's flannel that I'm wearing. I slowly move into the kitchen and freeze on the doorway.

He has set up candles in the dining area (Which is just a big kitchen island), has two empty wine glasses next to the empty plates, a glass jug of water, a huge amount of salad and some bacon accompanied with some bacon, toast and a chicken.

"Juggie?" I chuckle with a big smile on my face. Jug turns around with a smirk on his face, a romantic music starting to play quietly in the background.

"M'lady," he says, bowing his head for a moment.

"What is this?" I giggle, looking around in amazement.

"Our dinner," he says, coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me close. "Can we do that?" he pleads, looking down at me with an adorable puppy face. I only nod with a shocked face and he kisses me for a few seconds. "Come on," he says with a smile when we pull away and leads me to the counter, two stools and plates placed next to each other.

I sit on a stool and he sits next to me. "I'm not allowed to drink wine," I smirk, touching the glass. He winks at me before pouring the lemon water into our glasses. I giggle at him and kiss his cheek. "You're so sweet."

He smiles at that. "You're still craving salad, right?" he asks nervously.

"Oh no, I'm craving that bacon now," I say, reaching out for it. He laughs at me as we fill our plates with all the food he has made. When we're done, I look at him with my eyes a bit narrowed. "Didn't you snuggle with me?"

"I did for the first five minutes," he smiles. I run my hand over his bare chest, still in his sweatpants. "Oh," he said suddenly and got up quickly. He goes to the living room's side of the island and takes a vase with a bouquet of pink roses.

I smile at him as he hands them to me, with the vase. "You are the best guy ever, Juggie. You know that, right?" I ask, feeling like tearing up.

He kisses my nose. "Only for you, baby."

He places the roses on the free spot on the table and sits back down with a smile as I kiss his cheek multiple times in a row. We eat and talk and laugh for about an hour which is when I realize I have something to do. "Jug?" I ask quietly.

He looks over to me and frowns at my sad face. "What's the matter?"

"Can you help me study tonight?" I ask, kind of embarrassed. "I don't wanna do it yet, but I can't stay up all night again."

He smiles at me sweetly and kisses my temple. "Of course. I'm glad you're finally asking." I smile at him. He somehow manages to get me onto his lap with a few seconds and wrap his arms around me. I smile, not seeing his face like this, but feeling his cheek against my neck. "I love you," he says with the most adorable voice ever.

I turn sideways, so that my legs would be between his and he kisses my cheek. "I love you too, Jug. So much."

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