Chapter 2

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KINKY STUFF IN THE CHAPTER! Sorry about that :)

"Jug?" I call out, entering our apartment. I can clearly hear some guys' laughter echoing in the living room. I toe my shoes off and walk to the direction of the voices. Jughead looks up from the video game he and Lucas are playing and flashes me a quick sweet smile before going back to trying to kill someone on the screen.

"Hey, Betts. How did it go?" he asks, sounding interested, but careful at the same time.

"Fine, I guess," I say with a quiet sigh, leaning against the armrest and lean down to kiss his cheek. "Don't you ever get bored from this?"

The guys both smirk, shaking their heads. "You know, Betty, I'll always keep saying this, but you're the best girlfriend anyone could ever have," Lucas says, making Jug grin and me chuckle. "Seriously, if Jughead will ever fuck up again, just dump him and give me call."

"He better not," I smirk, earning another laugh from both of them. "Have you studied?" I ask both of them.

"Yeah, we tried to do some..."


"And failed."

I roll my eyes at them. "And have you eaten?"

Jug suddenly looks up at me. "We ordered pizza and there are two slices for you in the kitchen, but you gotta heat it up."

"Alright," I smile and accept the soft kiss he gives me before I get up and go to the small kitchen area. It's a Hawaiian pizza, my favorite, so I place the small plate into the microwave and set it on two minutes.

When I've done that, I feel some warm arms snaking around my waist. "Hey," I giggle as he kisses my neck.

"Hi," he breathes. "How was your day?"

I sigh quietly and turn around in his arms, my hands resting on his chest now. "It was fine... I got offered a job."

He breaks out into a big smile, but then frowns, seeing the frown on my face. "But...?"

"At a gym."

He chuckles. "What? What did you tell them?"

I shrug. "That I'd think about it."

"And are you actually thinking about it?" he smirks.

I look down while biting my lip softly. "They pay better than the cafe I'm working at the moment..."

"Baby," he says, tilting my chin up a bit, so that I would meet his greenish blue eyes. "No," he just says. "If it's not a writing job or something similar, you are not going to accept it."

"But we need more money... I'd make like 100 more than at the moment."

"No," he says again and kisses my lips softly. "You don't need another job. You gotta wait for the writing or journalism."

"Juggie, do you even know how many publishers have told me no?" I frown. "They don't like the book, the other one isn't finished just yet, and I've had so many internships. They don't want me."

"They will," he says, looking positive. "I know they will. You're good at what you do, baby. You just have to keep trying."

I jerk at the sound of the microwave finishing and turn back around, removing the hot plate from it with a towel. "Believe me," he says as I turn around, holding a piece of pizza and nibbling on it, enjoying the taste. "You'll get an offer soon."

"Easy for you to say, you got it like a year ago." He got a publishing deal for all of the trilogy together, which he thinks will get ready by the time we finish college in May.

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