Chapter 3

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It's November 13th. Today is Saturday, so we can sleep in as long as we want, neither of us having to go to work today. For some fucking reason though, I wake up at 7 a.m., a heat running through my body, making me get up and stumble to the bathroom as rapidly as possible. As I start emptying my stomach into the toilet, Jug comes and holds my hair, rubbing my back softly and telling me to let it go.

"What was that?" he asks worriedly when I'm done and rinsing my mouth. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm feeling fine," I sigh and face his worried face. "Juggie, can you bring my phone, please?" I ask nervously.

"Why, what's the matter?" he asks with a frown.

"Just, please."

He sighs, but goes. I sit down on the toilet lid. It couldn't be, right? I'm only 21. I can't be pregnant at 21. I'm still in fucking college, bitch.

Jughead comes back and hands me my phone. I feel his eyes on me while I open my period tracker and look at the dates. I knew I was late, I just thought maybe I skipped one time, like happened many times when I was younger. It has been 8 weeks. My breasts are sore, my head keeps aching. Fuck this.

"Baby?" Jug asks softly, still standing in front of me. He bends his knees and squats down in front of me. "Tell me what's wrong?"

"You remember the night when we were up until morning, role-playing and being kinky little shits?" I ask carefully, making him laugh and myself smile a bit. When he has quieted down, I gulp and meet his eyes. "I don't think I took the pill that morning... And you forgot to ask I guess."

His eyes grow wide, mouth dropping open as his eyes move onto my stomach and his hand moves onto my stomach. I stand up with a careful look and turn my side to the mirror, raising his S shirt on me up. I stare at the small bump on my tummy. "I thought I was gaining fat or something," I murmur. "I haven't eaten anything normal in a week, I thought I was getting fat."

Jug chuckles softly, wrapping me up in his arms. "I'll go to the store, alright? Get you some tests." I nod with a small frown and he kisses my cheek softly. "Go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep," I murmur and he looks at me worriedly. "I'm gonna call V."

"Maybe you should wait until we're sure?" he smirks.

"No," I smile a bit and he kisses my forehead as we walk back into our bedroom. He pulls his jeans and an old T-shirt on and grabs the keys, wallet and his phone. He quickly gives me a kiss goodbye and runs out of the apartment as I take my phone and dial Ronnie.

She answers on the fourth call, sounding tired. "Mhh, B, what's wrong?"

"I think I'm pregnant," I breathe out.

She shuts up and I hear Toni groaning for some reason. "You what?" Ronnie asks in shock.

"Jug?" I call out, staring at the two stripes on both of the pregnancy tests in my hand. He comes inside immediately and squats down, staring at them in shock. We both swallow in a few moments and make eye contact. He looks shocked, unbelievable and so confused, but he starts smiling as well. I stand up and hug him as he does the same, tears creeping in my eyes and I'm not sure if it's from happiness or something else.

"I'm scared," I whisper and sniffle as he carefully pulls away to look at my face. "What am I going to do? I want to get a job and I want to finish college... I can't drop out. And we don't have enough money for a baby."

"We'll figure it out," he says softly. "I mean... Unless you don't want to keep it..." he says with an alert face.

I shake my head. "No. You're my boyfriend, you're not some random guy. I love you and I want babies soon. It's gonna be okay," I say, mostly to myself, trying to make myself calm down.

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