Chapter 9

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"It's out." I start kissing Jughead's face, not caring that he's asleep. "It's out, it's out, it's out," I whisper.

"What's out?" he murmurs, opening his right eye tiredly. I feel him smiling when I plant small kisses all over his face. "Baby, what's up?" he chuckles.

"My book," I beam, pulling a bit away to find his greenish blue eyes in the dark. "It's midnight. It's out."

He chuckles at me, eyes turning proud and even more loving as he pulls me back into his side and kisses my forehead and lips. "I'm proud of you."

"I know," I whisper, kissing his chest now.

"You stayed up to wait until your book is out?" he grins, kissing me now too.

"I want to celebrate," I murmur against his mouth, my hands moving down his muscular abdomen.

"Mm, and how's that?" he asks with a smile, hands gripping my waist now, smiling against my mouth.

"Sleeping," I tease, making him frown. I start kissing down his neck, leaving slight marks that will be gone in the morning, my hands on his chest. He groans in pleasure, turning us so that he'd be on top of me and starts kissing my neck instead. "It's my turn," I say, flipping us over again and attempting to kiss his neck.

"It's mine," he says with a teasing voice, his hands cupping my face softly as he places his lips on mine.

I feel something, my eyes growing wide. "Jug," I breathe out in shock, knowing he's still awake, our bare bodies pressed together. He hums just as I feel it moving again. "He's moving," I say in shock, my hands resting on my belly now. "He's moving."

I can't see his reaction, but I feel the blanket on us disappearing down to our genitals as he sits up in the darkness. His warm hands move onto my belly as well. I feel our baby boy keeping moving, more so than before, but he frowns. "I can't feel anything."

"I swear, he's moving," I say, tears in my eyes from amazement. Suddenly there's pain in my abdomen. "Ow," I murmur, feeling him kicking once again.

"Oh my god," Jug breathes out, looking at me in shock. "He's moving." I roll my eyes at my adorable boyfriend and keep waiting for another kick. It comes just a few moments later. "Hey there, buddy," Jughead whispers, planting kisses onto my belly. "Why aren't you asleep?"

I giggle at him and get another kick. "He probably woke up with all the moving we did," I smirk sheepishly.

"He probably woke up with all the moaning you did, you mean?" he teases.

"Oh shut up," I say, hitting his head softly with the back of my hand. The baby inside me keeps moving, and after a few minutes, stops. I smile as Jug lies his head on the side my belly. "Juggie, he and all the placenta and stuff are heavy enough," I murmur. Even though lying on my side, it can be uncomfortable.

"Sorry," he says, sitting back up again. "Can you turn on your other side?"

I smile and do it, allowing him to wrap his arms around my naked body, one hand on my hair and the other on the belly. I feel him kissing the back of my neck. "Jug, your dick is poking me," I tease.

"Oh shut up," he says the same way, but doesn't hit my head, but kisses it instead.

"Shut up!" I exclaim a week later, looking at the emails I've gotten. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

My baby boy answers to it by moving around, but Jug runs to the kitchen immediately. "What's wrong?" he asks anxiously. I stare at him with widened eyes. "Baby, tell me what's wrong. Now," he demands.

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