Chapter 13

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It's August 25th. Our wedding day. I'm standing in front of Veronica who is leaning down in front of me and trying to get my wedding dress to stay on place and not rotate a bit while I'm walking. It's a really simple wedding dress; pure white, 3/4 sleeves, no lace just a plane white, backless, almost off the shoulders. My long blond hair is in some hairstyle that I fell in love with, my makeup simple but fresh and bringing out my eyes.

"Honestly, girls, it's fine," Matt says. "It's really beautiful." He's the one walking me down the altar. I saw some jealousy in my other brothers' eyes, but they all knew why I chose him and they've always knows I'd choose him. Now they're relieved though, not having to walk down the isle with their younger sister in front of all of those Serpents and our friends, some of who they haven't ever even met.

I smile at my brother and look down at Veronica. She smiles proudly, standing up already. "Done. Try walking."

I do like she says and when I don't feel the tight comfortable dress rotating anymore, I smile at my best friend. "Thank you," I breathe out.

Toni smiles, handing us our flowers back. She, JB, Veronica and Cheryl are my bridesmaids, V being the head one who goes right in front of me. All the three girls are wearing light blue dresses and love them (even Cheryl, surprisingly).

Our problem was the flower girl role. Charlotte just got 9 so she's the junior bridesmaid, but we had no one with the appropriate age for a flower girl who is supposed to be between the ages of 4 and 7. Dan's baby girl (Alexandra) is 3. She agreed to do it, but we're not sure if she's gonna get shy or not, so we're just hoping.

So it's going to be Alexandra as the flower girl, right in front of her Finn and Dash as the ring bearers, one holding mine and the other Jughead's. In front of these two is going to go Charlotte and Noah like a junior groomsman and bridesmaid. 

Since Jake's boy is 2 (his name is Marvel, because both Jake and his girlfriend Ava are obsessed with the movies), he's just watching with my brothers.

"They're ready," Kev announces. Jug's best men are Sweet Pea and Lucas who are now with the pre-wedding-week developed being almost best friends as well. So Fangs, Kev and Reggie are the groomsmen. Jug wanted to make my brothers groomsmen too but they strongly disagreed that they'd have to walk down the isle alone.

"Can we have cake later?" Finn asks me. We all chuckle and I nod to him, making him smile even bigger.

We all make a row and as the music starts playing, Jellybean enters the outdoor aisle. Everyone gets quiet and I can't see anything, but I hope it's going well. Kevin follows her, Cheryl him, etc. When it's Veronica's turn, I take a huge breath, gripping my brother's arm. The kids start going in then. Noah and Charlotte together. And then go the twins. I hear people chuckling so they probably make some stupid faces or giggle to themselves which they do a lot.

Our music starts. We notify Alexandra, pushing her gently, and when she looks up at us and we nod to her, she giggles quietly and goes. We step to the aisle just a few moments later, letting her go about 10 feet in front of us. Everyone gets up and I feel all the eyes on me when I nervously grip Matt's arm while looking forward at all the smiling faces. I see FP, my brothers, a few people from our college, so many Serpents, our friends' families who are basically ours, etc. Then I finally look forward.

Jughead is smiling at me softly, giving me total heart eyes as he keeps looking at my body and dress, flowers, hair and face. When he meets my eyes, we both start grinning like idiots and I feel Matt next to me snicker. I'm gonna hit him later for that. He hands my hand to Jughead and he takes it, smiling and nodding to Matt for a quick moment before looking back at me.

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