Chapter 5

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"Baby Coop! We heard you're pregnant," is the first thing Joaquin says when me and Jug walk into the bar. The Serpent hangout. Being the new king and queen is not easy, but FP helps us and even though he retired this summer, he's still a leader as well, especially when we're in college.

"WE'RE GETTING A ROYAL BABY!" someone screams, making everyone cheer and clap. I giggle, rolling my eyes while Jughead laughs at that and we both go up on the stage.

"Hey guys," Jug says into the mic as we sit down on the small couch in here. "We wondered you'd want to tell or ask us something since we haven't been here in a while... So go ahead."

"What about college?" Slurpe asks.

I roll my eyes. "Not about that."

Jug smirks. "She's able to finish in February if she's able to stay up some nights and get longer days. So we're not sure yet."

"Okay, something that isn't related to me?" I ask carefully, making everyone either laugh or snicker.

"Did you guys hear about the Ghoulies?" someone asks.

"That they're back and causing trouble? Yeah," I nod.

"They tried to burn this bar down."

"What?" Jug frowns, sounding confused.

"It was fireworks they had directed towards the bar, so a small part of it got on fire, but we were able to turn it down a few minutes after," Toni explains behind the bar, working here on the weekends (it's only a few hour ride from NY).

"And why don't we know anything about this?" I frown.

"Because you were busy at Stanford making babies!" someone yells, making everyone laugh and me blush while chuckling too.

"We're busy at Harvard, studying, than you very much," Jug grinned.

"Each others genitals?" Toni chirped in behind the bar. I turned red as Jughead started laughing with the whole bar, some younger kids ewwwing us all out.

"Nevermind, I'm out of here if you won't shut up," I murmur and get up. Jug grabs my hand and I look at him with a small smirk.

"Don't go away, I need you here."

"I'll be by the bar," I say and kiss his cheek before stomping my way to Toni, urging to slap the bitch. "I hate you."

She giggles and blows me a kiss. "Anything to eat or drink?" she continues while Jug keeps talking with the Serpents.

"No alcohol, please, I'm on a very special 9 month diet."

She giggles and gives me a pack of crackers, already knowing I love to eat those at the moment. I nod to her with a big smile as she starts shaking some drink together, not adding any alcohol. In less than two minutes she places two glasses of mojito on the bar counter between us. "Without alcohol," she smiles and we clink the glasses together.

"God, this is even better than with some," she says after taking a sip and places it back down, me nodding in agreement. "We still up for tonight?"

"Yup," I chuckle. "Cher, V, Jelly and Kev too, right?"

"Yup," she smiles. Hog Eye calls for Toni. She winks at me, "Be back in a sec."

I smile and keep sipping my mojito while listening to Jug and the Serpents. I agreed to go get our nails done tonight with the girls and Kevin before the Thanksgiving dinner at V's house that everyone was going to be attending. Also it can't hurt to catch up with all of them before going back to the whole group, most of them being guys.

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