Chapter 11

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"Finally," I sigh, falling to sit down on the couch just as Jug. We finally have all the furniture and things necessary for our baby boys and they'll come soon. It's May 28th at the moment and the doctor said twins come earlier. So we have until the end of the next month, but they could come every minute now.

"Feeling better?" Jug asks when I lie down, my feet on his lap, his hands giving them a nice massage.

"My back aches and I feel like they're both so down in my belly that they're ready to come out," I sigh.

"Should we go to the hospital now?" he pleads. The doctor says they will come soon enough, probably during this week, and if I was feeling any symptoms to give her a call.

"Nope, not yet," I say tiredly. "Can I sleep?"

He smiles a little and nods, getting up. He gets me a blanket and wraps it around me, leaving a kiss on my forehead. "I'm gonna go and try to put the last things away, okay?"

"Okay," I say with a smile and he kisses my lips softly before walking towards the bedrooms. I close my eyes and seem to fall asleep with a few first minutes.

"Baby," Jughead whispers, shaking me awake. "Betts, we have to go to the hospital," he says with a smile.

"Why? What happened?" I ask, still in sleep coma, and sit up. I look at my lap, feeling something wet. "Oh crap," I curse and drop my head into my hands.

"It's gonna be alright," he says, helping me stand up with this massive belly of mine.

"How are we going to get this clean?" I ask.

He chuckles. "Don't worry about that." He quickly kisses my cheek, jogging to our bedroom, and comes back with the bag we packed for the hospital, with a few diapers and baby clothes and my clothes as well. "Come on."

"Are they here?" I ask Jughead when another round of my contractions end, my forehead and everything already sweaty.

"9 centimeters," the doctor says. I nod and wait for Jughead's answer as he checks his phone. Toni and Veronica are behind the door and now there are my brothers as well, having come from all the cities they live at. Jughead nods, having gotten a text from all of them.

"Can you get Matt here?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says, getting up and quickly disappearing out of the office.

"Matt is your...?" the doctor asks.

"My oldest brother. He's been a dad for me."

She smiles at that, knowing about my mom already. She asked me on the first day if there was a mom or someone who had gone through all of this already, so that I could ask for someone for help. I told her about my mom and answered the old bruises question as well.

Jug comes in, followed by Matt who looks kind of freaked out when he greets the doctor and then comes over to me, leaning down to give me a hug. "How are you feeling?" he asks with a sigh, sitting on the other side of the bed from Jughead.

"Scared. And in pain," I complain.

"She's scared she'll poop," Jug smirks and I do the same as Matt chuckles.

"It's totally normal, half women do," the doctor says. "Alright. 10 centimeters. This time try to push."

"Okay," I breathe out, gripping the boys' hands and waiting for my next contractions. It takes less than half a minute for that.

So then I'm pushing and screaming, squeezing Matt's hand while Jughead is touching my knee, standing next to the doctor to see the baby and deliver him like we wished. It happens in less than five minutes when Jug's eyes grow wide. "Alright, the head is out," he says in shock.

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