Good Morning

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There was a soft nudge on my shoulders and I opened my eyes.There was Peter,staring right at my face, smiling. I could feel his warm breath on my neck and the sweet smell of his cologne. He was sweating but he still smelled nice. How nice it is to wake up to those beautiful brown eyes looking down at you, as if you were everything those brown eyes could see.

I was starstruck by how cute he looked even in the morning, all sweaty as well. I then realised I do not look good in the morning, messy hair and sleepy face, exactly how I wouldn't want anybody to see me look. I sat up and brushed my fingers through my hair, checking my reflection on my phone while rapidly blinking my eyes, and greeted him good morning. He smiled back at me, climbed down the ladder that leads to his bed and gently said, "Good morning!" as his feet touched the floor, he looked back up at me and asked if I wanted to go to school with him. He explained that he applied for summer school this year, firstly because he was afraid I might be bored sticking around him doing nothing all day long, second because some of his friends were applying too. "Summer school seems really fun to me, so I guess I'll join you!" I proceeded to climb down the ladder as I said, "Oh, and your friends! Heh.." I felt really awkward, so I grabbed a hoodie and a pair of jeans, and went into the bathroom.

When I finally got a better look of myself in the mirror, I realised how horrible I looked when I wake hair was all knotted up and my skin was a mess. My eyes were swollen, partly because I had only 6 hours of sleep last night, and my whole face was basically bloated. I looked as horrible as I could imagine. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. There was a soft ding on my phone so I checked who had sent me a message this early. It was only 7am in Missouri,and my friends don't usually wake up this early.

It was a text from Aunt May, reminding me to wake up because Peter has to arrive at school before 9, in case I wanted to go with him. I replied to tell her that I had already woken up, finished brushing and was changing. I didn't realise she wasn't home when I woke up. I was too preoccupied by the embarrassment due to the way I looked. Then she sent me another message, "There's a cafeteria in Peter's school, so you two could grab breakfast and lunch there. I'll be home by 6, so I'll cook you guys dinner... Do you like mushrooms?" I sent her a text to let her know that I loved mushrooms, and thanked her for reminding me.

I quickly got dressed and got out of the bathroom. It was already 8:20, and I didn't want Peter to be late for school, so I put on my socks and grabbed my purse. Peter wasn't in his room, so when I went out to search for him he was already sitting by the door with his shoes on, scrolling through his phone, I felt rude to make him wait. I quickly slipped my vans on and apologised, "I'm so sorry for making you wait! I'm ready now,let's go?" He kindly told me that it was fine and we got into an elevator. It was only then did I realise that he had changed into a hoodie. Again, it was oversized, and it made him look as cute as ever. His hair was carefully brushed to one side but his curls were so fluffy they kept falling back to its original place.

We arrived at the ground floor and we got out of the elevator.He led me to the bus station,as he didn't have a drivers license yet, while he clumsily hugs his backpack tightly. It wasn't closed properly,and I could see some books of his inside,and one of his exercise books fell out while he was walking.I picked it up and gave it to him,as he sighed at himself and said thanks to me. He kept looking cuter and cuter to me.

We got on the bus and after we sat down,I reached into my purse to find some coins to pay for the ride,and I felt around in my purse but I couldn't seem to feel anything that's shaped similar to my wallet.I didn't bring my wallet,and I couldn't pay for the bus ride...or breakfast or lunch. i was in pretty much distress when I realised I didn't bring money with me. Peter saw that I couldn't find my wallet,and he chuckled and said softly, "You look cut— funny,all stressed out and stuff.I'll pay for your ride,and everything later." He smiled at me and went to the very front of the bus,right beside the drivers seat and paid both of our fee. I felt really embarrassed that I was going to have to ask him to pay for everything later today.I was giving them enough trouble staying at their home.

I kept telling him sorry when he came back and sat down,opposite to me.I might have said it one too many times,because he looked at me like I was crazy.

I fell asleep on the bus,which I only found out when he woke me up and told me that we had arrived at our station. He walked me to his school.It wasn't that big,it looked just like your typical high school,brown brick walls,a sports ground outside of it.It was simplicity itself,but it looked like an interesting and fun place to study in. We passed through some corridors which was aligned with classrooms,students chattering in it; a few of them waved to Peter as we passed by then looked at me curiously.

We stopped at a classroom named 5G, and Peter brought me inside. He walked over to his table and said hi to a few students,I figured they were probably his friends. "So..,we're here! You can put down your bag here,I'll introduce you to some of my friends?" He said. He waved over at a chubby boy with tanned skin and a tall skinny girl who was very pretty.The boy came over and said, "Hey! I'm Ned.Good morning." He checked me out and winked over at Peter. Then the beautiful girl nudged him in the shoulders and whispered something to him. Peter was randomly blushing,and I just looked at them in confusion.The girl looked at me with quite and straight face and said, "Hey.Im MJ." I don't know why,but there was something I didn't quite like about her.

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