Chapter 9

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Brianna's POV.

Ricky had went to the corner store to pick up some Arizona since JC drank the last four... So I was on my social media just checking up and seeing what everyone is up to.

When Ricky came back I was just about to log off Twitter. When he came through the door I ran up and gave him a peck on the lips and ran to sit back down "someone's hyper" Ricky laughed. "Noooo I was just getting board and I wanted to greet you sweetly" I smiled. Ricky smiled his perfect smile and turned on Super Natural. We watched som re-runs until Sarah and Kian came through the door. "Hey, how was the date?" I ask. Sarah just storms upstairs to kian's room.

Sarah's POV

While me and Kian were driving home I just looked out the window and stared at the other cars beside us. Giving some drivers some slight smiles. "Hey what's wrong?" Kian asked me "it's just that Kathy chick, she honestly didn't have to say that to me. Like what did I even do to her?" I ask tears welling my eyes. "Like I told you she can be a bitch and get under people's skin easily, don't let her get to you" he smiled and placed his warm hand on my thigh. "You still could of said something to her" I said quietly so he couldn't hear.

When we arrive I just storm upstairs to kians room and burry my head in my hands. Until I hear the door creep open. It's Brianna. "Hey boo, what's Wong?" She asked. "This girl Kathy used to date kian and he told me how bitchy she was and all that stuff but the worst thing is we ran into her at the mall, she went on and on about her and Kian and how they 'loved each other' and I just couldn't take it! I just told kian to just come home." Brianna just stared at me. I didn't know what her reaction world be. "Oh Sarah it's gonna be ok, you ran into her once, it's not like you will run into her again!" She was right! It was a one time thing. I doubt I will see her again.

Kians POV

We got home and Sarah just stormed upstairs while Brianna chased after her. "Kian what happened? Why is Sarah upset?" Ricky asked me. "We kind of ran into Kathy at the mall. The Kathy I used to date about two years ago?" "Yeah I know who she was. She never treated you right. She always just threw you aside and did her own thing." I just looked down. "The worst thing is I didn't stand up for her either Ricky, I did nothing to help her, I did absolutely nothing..." Tears started to rim my eyes as I felt I was going to cry. I never cried over a girl? But Sarah. She's...she's different. She accepts me for who I am and not just my fame. Does this mean I truly love her?

Ricky's POV

Kian looked like he was going to cry. That now I know that he really loves Sarah. Just like how I love Brianna. Ya I know he didn't do anything to help her bit that was a little bump in the road. If something ever bad actually happened like a death or a huge fight they got into. Then that would be worse than running into your ex at the mall.

Kians POV

Ricky just patted me on the back o comfort me. I just wanted to know why I didn't anything? Why was I so scared? I was never scared of Kathy? Was I? "Hey ricky? I will be right back" I didn't let him answer I just ran upstairs to my room where I found the girl son my bed crying. Well Sarah at least. I ran to Sarah and told her it was going to be ok. But I let some words slip.

"W-wait what d-did you s-say?" Sarah stuttered. I said what she meant (does that make sense?) "I love you" she smiled and started crying again. "Shhhh it's ok love" I shushed her "Kian?" She said "hmm?" I love you too" she smiled at me. I did what any other person would do at this moment. Kiss her. I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. I pulled away and she was still smiling. Thank god Brianna left or it would have been awkward! "Thank you" Sarah whispered "for what?" I ask "for being in my life" I smiled and kissed her again.

Brianna's POV

"Well they have settled things out" I said to ricky as I walked down the stairs. "They did what happened?" "Well kian was calming her down until he said something he probably shouldn't-" I was cut off "what did he say?!" Ricky said in a high pitched voice. "Calm down and let me finish! So he said 'I love you' on ascendent and she said the same back and that's when I left because I knew they were gonna kiss" I told him. He smiled and said "you know I feel the same way about you" I smiled "what do you mean?" I asked confused. He laughed quietly. "I love you" he said. I couldn't keep it in. I just hugged him and muffled into his shoulder. "I love you too"

Kathy's POV

That bitch. How could she not remember what she did to me in high school?! If you don't know or she didn't tell you. She stole my first boyfriend Bryan at that time. We were going strong for about 2 years then I catch him making out with her in the halls. That's why I been a bitch to her at the mall. I just needed to take my anger out on her. I know I did t mean to much but maybe I went too far? I sure hope I didn't because I'm not like this! I'm totally different. If me and her can be friends or even if there is more then that I would want her friendship because belive it or not...

We were Best Friends in grade 3.

I just tried to make it longer...

K bye see YA in da next CHAPTER!!!

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