Chapter 14

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Brianna's POV

They were spying on us?! Well at least they care if we are doing 'things' or not. Anyways, we walk downstairs to see everyone smirking and almost laughing. Just replaying that moment in my mind made me feel dirty and also made me laugh at the same time.

Sarah's POV

Yeah so we tried to spy on Brianna and Ricky so what? She's my best friend and way to young to be doing that. When Ricky came to open the door and we all fell was pretty funny I must admit but me and the guys have some revenge that will be planned throughout the day.

We have everything set up. When Ricky and Brianna go out tonight because I head he was taking her somewhere. The steering wheel will have a 'sticky' grip to it (if Your stupid and don't know what I'm talking about its glue) when they come back their bedroom door will automatically lock so they are both locked in there but we left some food and a jug of water for them (im so mean XD) they were just about to leave and I gave Jc a nod and he nodded back saying all things were in order. Once the door shit we all ran upstairs to lock the door for when they come back. We did that and it took us about 1 hour maybe more? I lost track of time when we were working on it for 10 minutes. We flopped down on the couch and we all just took short naps because we are that lazy. I stayed up whatsoever. And having some more 'prank fever' I just decided to draw on the guys faces. But on Kians I drew 'Sarah's lover' on his arm with hearts and stars around it. I looked at my final product and smiled at my achievement. I love these guys enough so I can prank them and they won't care.

Brianna's POV.

Ricky wanted to take me somewhere but again he won't tell me where. Ugh I hate surprises! When we got in the car Ricky put his hands on the steering wheel and gave it a confusing look "did you see a bug or something?" I laughed "no, it's just sticky for some reason?" I had one word for this. Boys. I know Sarah wouldn't do this to me. But another side of me thinks that she had something to do with this? That BISH! (Lol) Ricky found some napkins in the glove compartment and we started to drive off. After about 20 or so minutes I realized the scenery around us. It's the field he took me we we first started dating. It's like i haven't been here in forever. (It's about three months after they first went sorry I didn't mention that) we walked out and I held Ricky's hand as he led is to the firefly lit field. Once we got close enough they all started to fly. It was beautiful. And the best part I was with Ricky. I looked up at him and he he looked down at me. I reached up on my toes to peck him on the lips. Then I heard music playing? It was my favourite song. It was 'Somebody To You' by the vamps. (Vid on side) as me and Ricky danced to the song. I sand some parts of. The song that I knew. When the second verse came on w where it said ' I need to know your lips, nothin ever mattered to me more than this' he dipped me and kissed me passionately. Once the song ended. It was like the first kiss we ever had. His kisses always give me butterflies.we danced some more songs. Until the sun had set. I climbed the nearest tree and Ricky followed close behind me. We sat on the tree branch and watch the sun set. We drove home and I guess everyone was asleep. Ricky and I walked into his room and changed we layed down and slowly drifting off to sleep. I heard a soft voice saying "goodnight baby" I smiled and drifted off into a soft slumber.

Ricky's POV.
What did I do to earn this beautiful girl I'm my arms?

So the pic of Kian and Trevor Is just a random pic that I found on Twitter and I just said why not?

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