Scene 2 - Staying or leaving, Nyssa?

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The Doctor and Nyssa have finally caught up with Captain Chen, Dennis and Bridget down the almost identically similar corridors. The Captain is smug and pig-ignorant of his act of murder to a harmless creature.

Captain Chen:

Quite a story to tell back on Earth that I saved our entire ship from disaster and stopped a horrible monster from killing us off.


Actually it was the Doctor.

Captain Chen:

Be quiet girl. Now, where was I? Ah yes, I shall be remembered...

His communicator beeps, taking it out as Summer appears on the holographic image.


Captain, I can't raise Dale. He isn't answering.

Captain Chen:

Perhaps he is dealing with our monster friend. BOY, you go see if the old chap is well.


Yes, Captain.

Dennis leaves, hurrying back in the other direction. As the Captain and Bridget make their way back to the Control Cabin, Nyssa stops the Doctor, taking him over to one side.


Doctor, there is something I need to talk to you about. About earlier.


Look, if I upset you earlier then I'm sorry. I'm not quite sure what mood I was in earlier. And you want to talk about staying here?


Well yes.


Well, if you want to leave, then that's your choice.


No, Doctor. I want to stay with you. After what happened earlier, I don't just want to leave like that.


You can put your scientific knowledge to great use for the rocket ship. You should maybe become one of their astronauts.


So. Are we good?


Yes. And you're quite sure you want to stay on?




Come on, let's catch the others up.

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