Chapter 16: The Truth Comes Out

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Katelyns POV:

I nervously turnedq the door knob and open the door. When I went inside the house was super quiet. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed myself a Dr. Pepper wondering where Jacob Cameron and everyone else was. I shrugged it off and sat on the couch.

All of a sudden I hear this loud yelling and people literally running down the stairs. They both jumped over the couch and sat next to me pulling me into a hug on ethier side. "Kitty Kat your back" Jake yelled "Omg im so glad your okay" Cameron said pulling me closer on his side.

I felt kind of overwhelmed but didn't want to say anything just cuz I wasn't sure i was ready to tell them everything or not. In the moment I was happy to see them but also very scared that after u tell them everything they won't want to be my friends anymore.

Growing up not very many people knew what actually happened. Josh was literally the only one that knew about the cutting and the nightmares not even my parents know. So its very hard for me to tell anyone. Which is why I got up from there grip and ran outside sitting on one the lounge chairs and curled into a ball putting my head in my knees. Tears started to run down my face. It was all to much.


When Katelyn ran away from Jake and Cam I knew she was overwhelmed. Blanca looked over at me and I nodded to her giving her the okay to go outside. Blanca and I both knew what was going on but the guys were confused.

Blanca got up and went outside to talk to Kat. Jake and Cam started to follow her but I stopped them "hey guys. Let's just give her some space she's having a really hard time right now. And she will tell you everything once she is ready" I said trying to get the to relax but Cameron being stubborn pushed me and said "no I've literally been waiting for so long. Im sure whatever she's dealing with isn't even as bad as yall say. Im just so tired of waiting if she liked me like she said she did she would tell me everything or wouldve called back. I was so excited to see her but now im just angry because she is literally pushing me away and I can't deal." Cam said angrily then storming off Jake just sat there quietly playing with his fingers

"hey bud u okay?" I said "yeah I guess so. I just feel really bad for her and I feel really bad about how we left things. She was going through a rough time already and I made it even worse." He said his eyes filling with tears. I rubbed his back and let him know it was going to be okay

Blancas POV:

I followed Katelyn outside and sat next to her. "Hey baby doll u okay" I ask "not really. Im just really scared to tell them anything. What if they don't like me anymore? Or even worse what if they think im a freak?" She says kinda shaking "Katelyn you are not a freak and if they don't like you after that then shame on them. You are telling them about a big part of your life and they should accept that your not perfect. But I think they will accept you becuz they both are understanding people. So you get your little booty in there and be cofindent in yourself" I say helping her up and leading her inside

Katelyn POV:

After Blanca's little speech I felt a little better realizing that she was right. She lead me back into the house and I only saw Jake sitting there. "Where's Cammy?" I said curiously looking around for him "Oh he got sorta mad and stormed off. But maybe u should let him cool off before you talk to him" JJ said then walked out with Blanca so that Jake and I could talk. I looked over at Jake then looked away real quick.

He was so handsome. Those big brown eyes will literally get me into trouble I need to just tell him what happened then go talk to Cam "so I guess ur curious as to why I ran out the other day and was so pissed off at you " I say looking down at me feet "yeah maybe a little. Im just glad that youre okay" he said sweetly placing his hand on my back when he did that I felt chills run down my back.

I shake my head "That's the thing tho Jake. Im not okay. That day I ran out I had the last straw. The girl that was on top of you was my old bully and seeing her just brought back so many terrifying memories" I continue to tell him the whole story rolling up my sleeves to show him my fresh cut marks from that weekend and all the others I had up and my arms "as you can see I don't like myself very much. Im a mess" I say looking down letting tears roll out. He put his hand softly under my chin lifting my head and looking in my eyes wiping my tears with his other hand. "Well I think your a beautiful mess and im not going to judge you. Im gonna be here supporting you no matter what " he said kissing my forehead I smiled softly. He leaned in so did I but I pulled back becuz I knew I shouldn't "Jake we cant. Im still trying to figure things out. Let me at least go talk to Cam first" he nodded "okay but please give me a chance and let me take you on a date " he said smiling "I'll think about it" I said kissing his cheek.

I got up and go to Cams room. I knocked on his door and he opened it. I fell into his arms crying and he kinda just stood there so I pulled back and looked at him confused

"Katelyn I don't need this right now. Im tired of guessing about us. Im tired of guessing what is wrong with you. It just seems when I try to get close to you pull back. I had nothing to do with what Jake did so why shut me out?" Cam said kinda angry.

I gasped at his words at first I felt upset then I felt this rage build up inside me. How dare he talk to me like that. "Seriously Cameron? I came here to tell you what's wrong and this is how u treat me? Telling me that im in the wrong for needing space. You have no idea the kind of shit I've been through" I said getting more and more angry pulling up my sleeves "you see these? I cut myself Cameron becuz I hate my life. My parents shut me out after my brother raped me. I got bullied people telling me I was horrible person because I let him and that I liked it. I had nightmares every night of him since then coming in my room trying to kill me for what I did to him. My worst nightmare is him getting out of jail. Im seriously messed up and your acting like a complete douche bag. Im sorry that im a piece of shit for shutting you out and making you feel like you don't matter to me. Im really sorry...i won't bother you anymore" I said running out of his room

"Katelyn wait" I was gone before I could even hear him I ran down the stairs and ran into someone I looked up and I was Jake. I started crying and he wrapped his arms around me perfectly and held me till I calmed down. "Yes" I said nodding my head he looked at me confused "yes what?" "yes I'll go on a date with u" I said smiling then kissing his cheek then going to lay on the couch

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