Chapter 28: The Road to Recovery

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Katelyns POV:

After a few days of being in the hospital I was slowly getting better. I was off my oxygen most of the day. They only made me use it when I was sleeping.

I was up walking around the hospital at the moment. Making my way down to the cafeteria. Jacob and Blanca have not left my side since. They had brought in a cot for Blanca to sleep on. Even though I was getting better physically I was still a mess emotinally.

Thoughts like why did he find me? The doctor told us that if Jacob would've found me 5 mins later then he did I would be gone.  Why didn't he just find me later?

I was forced to tell the doctors what made me overdose. I told them all about my childhood about how my dad died when I was little so my mom met my step dad when I was 10. Then when I was 14 that's when JC started raping me. I let it go on for a few years feeling dirty. I told them how I finally told my parents and how they disowned me. Jc going to jail. About the bullying, the nightmares and the cutting. I told them how I met Josh and he saved me  from my bullies, the nightmares and cutting stopped but when he left it all came back stronger this time. Then told them about meeting Jake and about how they caught her and how I still felt useless.

They told me that I was to see a counselor twice a week and that Jacob had to keep a close eye on me. I hated that I had to be watched but I understand. The first day I went to counseling I was still in the hospital. I didn't talk much but I had one thing to say "I want my mom and dad to come to the next session. I have questions" I said softly and hurtingly my counselor Angela nodded in agreement.

After we ate at the cafeteria I had to go to counseling. So now here we are in Angelas office waiting for my parents.

"Do you think they will show up?" I said softly starting to get worried. "Don't worry sweetheart we made sure that it was clear that they were to show up." I nodded and about 5 minutes later they walked in.

I hardly recognized them. My mom had changed her hair to blonde and had gotten a face lift. She wore contacts that made her eyes blue. She didn't even look like the women who once loved me. She sat across from me. My step dad had cut his long curly hair and died it black. He grew out a bread and had hazle eyes. This man that sat next to my mother was not the step father I remember that was nurturing and loving.

I sigh looking down playing with my fingers. This was a bad idea. Seeing them again brought back all the bad memories of Justin all the memories of them telling me I was worthless. Then them finally kicking me out. I started crying not being able to hold it in. I looked at Angela and she sat next to me pulling me in her arms. "It's okay sweetie. Would you like me to call Jake in here for support?" She whispered in my ear. I nodded

She stood up from her spot and walked to the phone calling the front and telling them to send Jacob in. He was sitting out in the waiting room just in case I needed him. A moment later he walked in and sat next to me placing his had on my knee. I placed my hand over his calming instantly. He stared at the people that were my so called parents. You could feel the tention in the room us staring at them them staring at us. And Angela sitting in the midst of it all.

"Katelyn. Why don't you start off by telling them how you feel" Angela said breaking the slience.

It took me a minute to gather all my thoughts. I felt this burning in the pit of my stomach then my words spilled out like word vomit.

"Why? Why was I such a disgrace that you just dumped me to people you didn't know? When I told you that Justin was raping me Jason (her step dad) you said my Justin raping you? And you laughed then mom or should I say Maggie you added in and said only in your dreams. The only reason you believed me is becuz you walked in on it happening. I appreciate you getting him in jail but ever since then y'all made it feel like it was my fault that he's in jail. That I wasn't enough for ethier of you. I had to find myself." At this point I had tears streaming down my face. I could tell they felt uncomfortable. I looked over at my mom and she was avoiding eye contact with me like she was hiding something.

I went over to her making her look at me. "Momma what is it" I said softly. She started to say something but my step dad stepped in front of me making her look at him. Making me fall back into Jake's arms. He looked just as shocked as I was. At this point I was confused. "Baby. Don't let her get to you." He whispered in her ear.

Angela spoke up "Mr. Caylen. You must let her talk or you will be escorted out of my office." He laughed in her face "Escort me out? That's funny" Angela had pushed a button that called the cops in they cuffed Jason and escorted him out. Everything was quiet for a moment I was in shock then I slowly stood up and went over to my mom. Grabbing her hands seeing tears stream down her face "Momma?" I said softly "I-Im so-so s-s-sorry babygirl. He made me. " she said between tears.

I looked at her in the eyes letting her know it was okay now. That's when she started to tell me everything "When you told us about the rape I wanted to believe you. I wanted to take you somewhere safe. But he told me if I ever leave he would kill you and then me. So when we found out about the rape we locked his son up. But he told me the rape and putting him in Jail was all apart of the plan so that we could get rid of you and your be haunted by JC for the rest of your life. I didn't want that for you. So when he said we were throwing you out. I went along with it thinking maybe you would be safe. I did all this to protect you Katelyn. I would never hurt you on purpose. All that money that you had in your suitcase. That was me. Jason did not know about it. I was saving it for you.  I was hoping you'd use it to leave.  I'm so sorry" she said balling at this point

I stood us both up and pulled her into a big hug. She rubbed my back and played with my hair. I relaxed in her arms. This is what I've needed. I turned to Jake. He stood up and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Maggie." He said smiling.  She laughed and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for taking care of my Katelyn. I'm so glad she found you." We all hugged for awhile. Then I pulled Jake aside.

"Jacob we cannot let her go back home with him. I cannot loose my mom again" he nodded "I was thinking the same thing. She can stay with us" we hugged and went over to my mom and told her the plan. She nodded but turned us down "Katelyn I will be okay. I have to stay with him to protect you" she said softly

Angela stood up and went outside and told a officer everything she heard. A few moments later she came in. "Mrs. Maggie Caylen. Your husband will be thrown in Jail for threats." She looked releived she ran over to me hugging me. "I'm free! We're both free baby girl" she said happily.

I was so excited finally having my mom back. Hopefully this last.

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