Baby activities

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Nirmala was treating both the babies equally.

She was more attached to these two as she was taking care since delivery of the babies.

Normally Roli as well as Siddhant used to be in Bharatwaj house only.

Nirmala arranged for 2 cradles in Bharatwaj house itself so that ROli can sleep when coming there.

When Sujatha & Meena used to be busy with SImar & Prem their elder daughter & Son, Nirmala used to take care of Roli & Siddhant.

Roli & Siddhant were taken maximum by their mother only for feeding purpose.

Otherwise both used to be with Nirmala only

The days were paasing and it was time for them to turn upside down...

The same happened with ROli when Nirmala was feeding fruit to Siddhant..

Yes.  Roli turned upside down for first time & Nirmala was excited..

When she dropped Siddhant down and took ROli & kissed to express her happiness on her first activitity, to her surprise SIddhant too turned upside down the very moment.

Nirmala thought it as coincidence...

Few more days passed...

Siddhant started moving forward...

Nirmala was forwarding her hands towards him to encourage him to move forward more...

To her surprise again, ROli moved forward towards Nirmala.

Nirmala was not sure whether it is coincidence or what...

Few more days passed...

Roli started crawling...

When Nirmala was reading books thinking ROli & Siddhant are sleeping, ROli crawl slowly and pulled saree of Nirmala...

Nirmala took Roli on her arms and kissed Roli...

Siddhant who got up few minutes later too started crawling and moved towards Nirmala..

Not only that...

Sitting, walking everything...

When ROli starts something the same will be done by Siddhant.  Likewise when Siddhant do something, the same will be done by ROli...

Nirmala was not able to accept this surprise things as normal...

Nirmala started thinking what may be the reason behind...

Whether they being born on same day starting doing the actiivity the same time.

But she did heard that even twin baby does not need to start actiivity at same time.  

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