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Roli discharged from the hospital.

Siddhant started working from home itself handover the work to his managers.

Roli did not talk to anyone and was sitting in the bed with upset face.

Siddhant finished clearing his mails and went near Roli.

He sat beside her.

Siddhant wish to hug her and consol her caressing her back.

But she is running away to face her husband.

What a delicate situation?

Siddhant did consulted doctor before getting discharged and told him about her problem.

Doctor told that it is due to the depression she got and guilty conscious only.  It was same which he too guessed already.

Doctor console him telling she will be ok once she come out of the grief.

But in real Roli is not even trying to come out of the grief.

Siddhant thought of trying once.

Siddhant took his hands around her shoulders and touch her.

ROli immediately removed his hands from her shoulder and hold his hands..

Roli moved little away from him..

SId: ROli, come to me darling.. WHy are you running away from me?

Roli started crying..

Roli hide her face from seeing him..

ROli: Siddhant, i cant face you.  I committed mistake.  I did not hear your words.  Please.. Please come as my friend...

Sid got tears filled on his eyes.

Sid: Ok ROli, now i am your friend ok.  Come near me.

Roli only forward her hands to him to make sure that he is only her friends.

Sid: Roli why are you giving pain to yourself like this.  your husband did not mistake you.  He did not feel that you are the reason for that.  Please accept him.

ROli: NO SIddhnat.  You dont know.  i hurt him a lot.

Siddhant tried so many times to console her...

But every tries were in vain..

Roli regained her health in few days.

But her depressed mind was unable to get out of the guilty feeling...

Siddhant was in deep thinking on how to get back his ROli.

He was unable to go near to her as husband to consol her.  

If she accept his soothing hands on her, then she may come out of the grief.  But she is maintaining distance between them.

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