Feeling shy

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Roli did not come to have breakfast with Siddhant the next day.

All were surprised.

Mataji: Roli did not come today. In normal days itself they don't eat without each other. Now engagement too finished. Then how come she is missing here?

Siddhant: that is the problem now.

Prem heard this.

Prem: siddhant! What happened?

Sid: nothing serious prem. She is feeling shy.

Simar: oh that is the matter.

Siddhant was not interested to eat alone.

Sid: bhabhi give the food for both of us in a plate. I will take to her.

Simar gave & siddhant took it to her room.

The door was locked.

Sid: roli open the door.

Roli: no I will not

Sid: what others think if I stand outside your door like this. Come & open the door.

Roli opened the door & before he come in... she hide behind window curtain.

Siddhant kept the plate & look for her.

He found her behind the curtain with her legs & smiled.

He locked the door & went near her.

He pulled her outside holding her hands & wrapped his hands around her.

Roli too wrapped her hands around him.

Sid: roli what is this hiding like a kid? Mataji is asking why you have not come for the breakfast.

Roli: only mataji asked & searched for me.

Sid: of course myself more than anyone else. You know I won't eat without you. Then what all these.

Roli smiled.

Sid: wait wait what you asked. Only mataji.. so you wish to know whether I wait for you right.

Roli: siddhant we got engaged in the fear of missing that closeness. So won't I expect that.

Sid: I am happy that you expect that closeness. But why not this darling!!!

Roli chuckled on hearing him calling her 'Darling'

Roli: I am darling for you now.

Sid: when I accepted our love then everything is you for me. Darling, sweet heart, honey...

Roli: hmmm..siddhant you become poet too it seems.

Sid: why not when I see my Roli on candle light or moon light?

Roli: so you admired on that day itself when you look in the candle light right!!

Sid: not known Roli. Till yesterday nothing was known. But when I realized you are becoming someone else I was unable to bear that.

Roli: yes. I too was unable to even imagine you with someone else.

Sid: everything is OK. Where the one I asked for?

Roli: siddhant.. we suddenly entered into different relation. I need sometime for that. Till such time you need bear the distance.

Sid: roli which distance you are talking about look at us and then tell.

Roli now realized they are hugging each other.

Roli blushed and tried to move.

Sid: roli there is no distance till we try to make it artificial. That is what this shows. Why you want to move away now?

Roli wrapped her hands & tightened her grip and hug tightly.

Roli: Siddhant I love you...

Siddhant: I love you too Roli..

Siddhant too tightened his grip.

They were enjoying the hug for a while..

Sid: roli let's have food. I bring for both of us

Their hug relaxed..

Roli before moving to have food moved towards his face & kissed on his cheeks..

Siddhant was pleasantly surprised.

Siddhant with a smile pulled her closer & wrapped his hands on her shoulder

He took her to the sofa and they both had food feeding each other.

After having food siddhant pulled her towards him to exchange some more kisses...

Roli pushed him gently

Roli: Siddhant please.. Please.. Can't you give time to me.

Sid: sure roli. If you want time I will give. I will wait. But provided you should be like before at least instead of hiding inside the room

Roli: OK. Thank you

Sid: come with me out.

Sid hold her hands & took her to the car

Roli: where are we going?

Sid: roli remember all these days you never asked me such questions!

Roli: OK OK. Let's go.

Siddhant took her to the movie.

Roli: siddhant why movie again? Just day before yesterday we came here.

Sid: I was not feeling like seeing the film without you. So I want to see with you today.

Roli: OK let's go.

Roli & siddhant spend the whole day with fun & excitement together to compensate the horrible day they spent far from each other.

Siddhant to ease her did maintained distance between them.

Roli was back to normal without hesitation with him...

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