Angry Siddhant

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The days were passing...

Roli & Siddhant were walking in the school ground after practicing sports.

Roli was wearing shorts for playing purpose...

While some elder student was commenting about ROli in the shorts.

Siddhant got angry.

Siddhant went near him and hold his shirt..

Siddhant: What are you thinking in your mind?  How come you can comment about Roli?

Elder student: So what!  What is bothering you in this?

Siddhant: She is my friend and i cant bear someone commenting about her...

Elder Student: Seeing your angry, it does not seems to be like friend alone...

Siddhant was more furious...

Siddhant: How dare you can talk like this?  Come with me.

He pulled him and went to Principal room.

Roli went behind in tension.

Siddhant: Sir, I wish to file complaint against this student.

Principal: Complaint!  What happend?

Siddhant: Sir, Myself & my friend Roli were walking on the ground after playing sports.  He was commenting badly and when I warn him not to comment my friend.  He is asking whether she is friend alone?  I dont think it is right way to behave in the school and that is why i wish to complaint.

Principal: What all these?  You people are coming to school to study or to do all these rubbish.  What they are to each other is none of your business and you be informed that they are topper in the class always.

Elder student: Sorry sir...

Principal:  inform your parents to meet me tomorrow.

Elder student: Sorry sir.  Please forgive me this time & i will not repeat this in future..

Principal: Siddhant, Leave him this time.  If he repeats we will take severe action.

Siddhant: Sir, if he repeats with my ROli, he will face severe consequences before you take action.

Siddhant went out holding ROli's hands...

Roli: Siddhant, you are getting more angry now a days.

Siddhant: Then what you want me to do.  Allow him to talk like that.

Roli: Not that.  You know i was tensed when you hold his shirt.  What if he do something to you?  I cant bear that...

Siddhant smiled.

Siddhant: Roli, dont worry.  Nothing like that will happen...Cry baby...

Roli: I did not cry...

Siddhant: Oh you did not cry.  Look at me and tell that...

Siddhant lift her face and saw tears filled on her eyes.

Siddhant: ROli, if you did not cry. Then what is tears doing in your eyes.

Roli: Siddhant,  you dont have any seriousness. Always takes everything simple.  You know how much i am worried about you...

Siddhant: Roli, just relax.

Siddhant pulled her closer while ROli lean on his shoulders...


The days were passing..   

ROli & Siddhant now entered into college..

They took same group and same class too.

They were enjoying their college life equally like how they did their school life together..

One day, college was announced leave suddenly...

Roli & Siddhant were wondering what to do now.

Siddhant: Roli, can we go to some cinema?

Roli: Ok Siddhant.  It went many days going to cinema.

ROli & Siddhant went to see Cinema together...

They bought ticket and entered into the theatre and sat in their seat.

The advertisements were going on & lights were on for helping the people locate their seat..

In few minutes the lights were off... Cinema title was shown when two entered into the theatre...

Siddhant looked at their faces when they entered and realised they are nothing other than Prem & Simar.

Siddhant: ROli, look there

Siddhant showed them to Roli..

Prem & Simar were searching for locating their seats...

ROli was shocked.

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