i can't face my husband

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Roli was in the bed when Siddhant returned from office.

Roli got up and rushed towards him on seeing him.

Roli hug him tightly.

Sid: ROli, why so much urgency?  Walk slowly.  

ROli: What walk slowly?  I was missing you the whole day you know.

SId: I do understand darling that is why i am coming early from office only for you.  But you should be more careful dear..

ROli: Oh!  MY husband Siddhant is much concern about his child.

SId: Not like that darling.  Ok.  Let me talk as a friend now.  

He hold her hands.

Sid: You need to realise your physical condition.  You should be more careful about your health while carrying one more life inside you right.

ROli: Ok.  I agree.  I will take care...

Roli who was restricted due to pregnancy get excited on receiving calls or on seeing Siddhant a lot.

Siddhant always insist her to be slow and such conversations happend between them often..

Roli though agree while talking repeat the same the next day.

In that excitement of seeing her love, she forget everything and run to join his shoulders...

The days were passing...

Roli was 3 months pregnant.

Siddhant informed ROli to be ready that evening so that they can consult doctor.

ROli got ready and was waiting for Siddhant.

Siddhant called Roli..

Sid: Roli, i am just leaving from office... You get ready and come down slowly.  Why i am calling and telling you because you can take your own time instead of rushing down after i come there.  So take your time and get down.  I am just reaching home.

Roli: Ok.

Roli was excited that they are going out after so many days.  Also doctor told that scan will be taken on that day to check on baby growth.

ROli was thinking all these things and was getting down in the stairs.

When few more steps are there to get down, Roli did not concentrate on the steps...

Her legs got slipped and rolled on few steps ...

She fell down finally on the floor.

Roli: ooch...  Aaa...

Roli was having severe pain...

Mataji, Sujatha & Simar rushed towards her.

Simar called doctor immediately and told to send the ambulance

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