Good news to my husband

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The days were passing...

ROSID were enjoying their life as a friend as well as lover..

They enjoyed this double type of relationship between them a lot.

They were able to speak freely when they talk as friends as they used to since childhood.

When they wish to share romance between them, then the friend on them get lost for a while and lover comes out.

The time has come to get the fruit of their love.  The symbol of their love.

Roli was not feeling well.  She was feeling tired.

ROli was not interested to have any food.

Mataji: ROli, you seems to be so dull.  Are you ok?

Roli: Mataji, i am feeling tired and not feeling ok.

Mataji called doctor to their home itself.

Doctor tested ROli and confirmed that good news.

Doctor: Mataji, it is only happy news.  Roli is pregnant.  

All were excited.

Mataji & Sujatha rushed towards ROli.

Mataji: Congratulations Roli.  

Sujatha: Congratulations ROli.

ROli: Thanks Maaji & Mataji.

Mataji conveyed the good news to Meena.

Meena too rushed to see Roli carrying sweet box with her.

Meena: Congratulations Roli..

Roli: Thanks Maaji..

Mataji: Roli did you informed Siddhant.

ROli: Mataji, i wish to inform him myself looking at his face.  I wish to see his happiness.

Mataji: Hmmm.  I am very happy Roli.  as you wish.  

Roli was waiting for Siddhant eagerly.

Siddhant returned from office. 

No one told him anything as Roli wish to tell on her own.

Siddhant entered into his room and found ROli sitting in the bed happily.

Siddhant freshup himself and came to her changing to his casual dress.

Sid: Oh!  my friend ROli seems to be very happy today.  No complaints about her husband today.

Roli went near Siddhant and wrap her hands around his waist..

Roli: Siddhant today, i wish to talk to my husband.

Sid: ROli i am surprised.  My ROli who wish to talk to her friend always wish to talk to her husband today.

Roli: Yes.  I wish to talk to my huband today as this need to be shared with my husband and as a wife wish to see my husband's reaction on hearing that.

SId: ROli,  so much of suspense you are creating.  What is the matter?

He asked wrapping his hand around her waist and raising his eyebrows with a query.

Roli blushed.

Roli: Siddhant...

Sid: Hmmm

ROli looked into his eyes for the expression.

Siddhant was wondering what is she going to tell about

Roli:SIddhant, One more person coming to share our bed.

Siddhant was thinking for a while...

He was unable to understand what she is talking about.

Sid: Who is that?  Who can share our bed other than we two?

Roli: Oh Siddhant!  you are only good at office.  But zero at home.

Sid: ROli, how can i understand if you just tell share our bed?  Tell me naa.  who is that?

Roli: Junior Siddhant

SId: Junior Siddhant!!!

Siddhant now realised what she is talking about.

Sid: you mean...

Roli nod her head as acceptance.

Siddhant was excited...

Sid: Roli, my darling... 

Siddhant kissed her all over her face in happiness.

Roli: Siddhant!  Thank you.  Thank you so much for giving such gift for our love...

SId: Roli, I need to thank you dear...You have given such a great news of my life..

ROSID were excited.

Roli: You understood now why i wish to talk to my husband today.

SId: Of course.  I did.  for a friend this is just good news.  But for a husband it is great news.

ROSID with a smile moved towards each other in excitement...

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