Meeting The Roommate

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Riley had been in the dorm room for nearly ten minutes by himself. The little blonde had gotten to town early and had some time to look around the new town. He didn't have much that he brought with him. Riley had just gotten all his things organized the way he wants them when their dorm door opened. Riley peeked out of his room and saw that a tall, raven who looked really strong walked into the room and huffed about with the two boxes in his hands. Riley got up from his desk chair and went to his bedroom door. 

"Hi! I'm Riley! Could you use any help?" Riley asked with a smile. The tanned raven looked at the smaller boy and arched an eyebrow at him. 
"Not from you." He said in a bored tone. This took Riley back a little. That's a little rude? Riley thought to himself. 
"Okay, let me know if you need help with anything!" Riley said with the sweetest smile he could manage. 
"I won't need your help." The raven said and stood to his full height. Which is much bigger than Riley. 
"Alright, I'll, um, stay out of your way then." Riley said and he felt a little deflated. 
"Good." The raven said and turned his back on Riley. Riley stood there for a second or two and his chest hurt a little. Riley is sweet and not used to people being like that. He comes from a little town where everyone knows everyone and everyone is friendly. Riley figured that the stranger might be having a bad day or something. Riley heard footsteps coming back to the room and he backed into his room and shut the door a little. He left it open about an inch. 

About half an hour later, Riley had his PlayStation set up, Call Of Duty WW2 downloaded and his roommate had started to get his things in order. Riley was playing a team deathmatch. 
"I'm ordering food. What do you want from Taco Bell?" The raven asked pushing the door open. 
"I'm alright, I'm going to go and get some groceries  after this round." Riley said watching the screen. 
"Funny, seriously, what do you want?" He asked again. 
"Nothing, I'm alright." 
"You look like a twig and I'm tryna be nice." 
"Thanks for the offer but I'm fine." Riley said quietly. 
"Fine but you better eat something." The raven said. 
"I will." Riley said and there was a knock at the door. The raven turned his back and went to the door. Riley didn't really pay attention to what was happening at the door. 

"Yo. What's your last name?" The raven asked. 
"Holmes." Riley responded and glanced out the door. 
"Is your round almost done?" The raven asked and the round had just finished. 
"Yeah." Riley said and looked out the door. 
"It's for you." He said and Riley got up. He went to the door and saw someone in a fancy outfit. 
"Hi! I'm Riley Holmes!" Riley said with a smile. The woman smiled a little but stayed professional. 
"Hello Riley, I'm Doctor Salvatore and I've been asked by the school administrator to come and talk to you. Here is my card and if you make an appointment then we can talk in private." She said and handed him a card with her name, a phone number and an email on it. 
"How much will it cost?" Riley asked quietly as he accepted the card. 
"It won't cost anything, it's an on-campus service available to students who are recommended to me. I look forward to hearing from you. I need to be on my way but feel free to email or text." She said with a little smile and walked down the hall. Riley closed the door as he entered the apartment-sized dorm while looking at the card. 
"What is this about?" Riley asked. He had a few ideas. 
"Damn. You must've gone through some fucked up shit to get stuck with Salvatore." The raven said. Riley cringed at the swearing. 
"I didn't know that they know though." Riley said quietly. He walked in the direction of his room and walked into something. 

"Watch where you're going." The raven growled. 
"Sorry!" Riley exclaimed and rushed around the raven and into his room. 

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