Going, Going, ...

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Levi knocked. 

No turning back now. 

Levi heard a little sniffle. 
"Riley?" Levi asked. There was another sniffle and some shuffling. 
"Y-yea?" Riley replied. 
"What's the matter?" Levi asked. 
"Nothing," Riley replied. 
"I don't believe you. Please open the door Riley," Levi asked. Why is he crying? What's the matter? Is he hurt? Is he crying? Is he sick? Just don't do what Brendon would do and opEN THE GODDAMNED DOOR! 
"J-just go," Riley replied quietly. 
"No. Not this time. I'm going to open the door," Levi said and paused before taking in another breath and twisting the door handle. He pushed the door open and was met by a teary eyed blonde on the floor in the middle of the bedroom. Drum sticks on the bed, drum pad on the floor in front of him. Riley was hugging his legs to his chest and not looking at Levi. He looks so small. Levi sighed and sat on the floor, leaning on Riley's bed with his legs crossed. 
"What's the matter?" Levi asked softly, looking at Riley. Riley looked at Levi and Levi's heart hurt seeing the kid crying. Did I do this to him? 
"I-I miss my friend," Riley said and rested his chin on his knees. 
"I'm sorry Riley. Is there anything I can do for you?" Levi asked. Riley looked at Levi with a longing look and Levi just wanted to hug him. Wait. Riley shook his head a little and Levi held his arms out. 
"Come here Riley," Levi said and Riley picked his head up and looked at Levi with a confused look. 
"What?" Riley asked. It was barely a whisper. 
"I remember that night after the party," Levi said and Riley went to sit beside Levi with a sniffle. Levi put his arm around Riley and pulled him closer. 
"I meant what I said. I'm sorry for being mean to you after all that you've done for me. You don't deserve it and I hope that you'll give me a second chance?" Levi asked looking down at Riley. Riley looked up at Levi and Levi's chest was tight and he was worried about how Riley would react. 

Levi's been with some girls and some guys. All different from the other. Riley is different. Very different. His skin isn't as soft as the girls but is softer than the guys. He's sweeter. Nicer. A complete baby. and Levi loves it about him. His curls, his face, his eyes. Everything. 

"Really?" Riley asked. 
"Really. Would you happen to feel similarly?" Levi asked. Riley turned to tuck his toes under Levi's leg and rest his head on Levi's shoulder. 
"I would," Riley replied. Levi smiled a little bit and gave Riley a little kiss on the top of his head. They sat like that for a while and Levi was just happy that Riley fit so perfectly under his arm. 

"Can we relocate? My butt is starting to hurt," Riley asked. Levi smiled. 
"Sure, where would you like to go?" Levi asked. 
"Will you play Call of Duty with me?" Riley asked tucking into Levi's shoulder. 
"Aww, why are to so shy asking me to play video games with you?" Levi asked. He wants to see Riley's blush. 
"I don't know," Riley whined, "are you playing or not." 
"Definitely playing," Levi said and the two moved to Riley's bed and Levi sat with his back against the wall (Riley doesn't have a headboard because he couldn't figure out how it goes on) and pillows stacked behind his back. Riley handed Levi a controller and turned on the TV and the PlayStation. Riley sat on the bed near Levi's feet and Levi wasn't about to let that stand. 

"Why are you all the way down there?" Levi asked drawing Riley's attention. 
"It's comfy down here," Riley replied without a thought and when he felt hands on his waist he was confused and then he got yanked to Levi. Riley giggled and leaned against Levi's chest and they played together for a while. 

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