Home Again

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Riley walked into the dorm exhausted. The weekend with the cadets killed him. He probably got four hours of sleep all weekend. He went into his room, dropped his bag and flopped on his bed, not bothering to take off his uniform. 

Riley woke up to yelling. 
"Just move out of the way!" A familiar voice yelled. 
"Just leave him alone and don't wake him up." Levi's voice said. Riley sat up and rubbed his eyes. 
"You can't keep him away from me forever." The voice said. 
"Bet." Levi's voice said and the door shut. Riley tried to get up and he was stopped by a pain in his hip. He stayed on his bed and rolled around trying to find a position that doesn't hurt. Riley decided to just get up and shower. He got a pair of sweatpants from his closet and a loose shirt and headed to the bathroom. 

"Where'd you go?" Levi asked. 
"Weekend out with the cadets,"  Riley replied and continued to the bathroom. 
"And you didn't think to tell me?" Levi asked. 
"I-I didn't think that you'd care?" Riley replied stopping and looking towards Levi. 
"I don't. I just didn't like waking up to you vanishing into thin air," Levi said in a bored tone and turning away from Riley. That confused Riley but Riley went off and changed. He went back to his room and fell asleep. 

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