Drunken Confessions

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Riley was sitting at the table and working on setting up his new computer. He used to do everything by hand but his professor got annoyed with it and got Riley a laptop. Riley was also given a username and password that he can change. Riley got logged into everything and was working on a project when the dorm door opened. Levi was at a party and since parties and drinking aren't really his thing, Riley stayed in the dorm in a massive sweater and sweatpants.

"How was the party?" Riley asked, looking up at Levi.
"It was good." Levi said looking at Riley. Riley looked at Levi's hand real quick as he shut the door and he noticed blood and some bruising on his knuckles.
"What happened to your hand?" Riley asked resting his chin on his knees. They were pulled up to his chest and under the sweater.
"You haven't been the same since that dick broke your pretty little heart so I made sure he wouldn't do it again." Levi said walking slowly to the table.
"Is your hand okay? And did you send him to the hospital?" Riley asked watching Levi.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about him." Levi said and sat down on the chair next to Riley. Their table is a little four-person square table. Why does he keep calling me pretty?
"Okay." Riley said quietly.
"But it's true, you haven't been the same. You were so happy and now, you just seem sad and I know that he hurt you but he's not worth the pain Riley. He's a jerk who doesn't know what he lost." Levi said looking at Riley. Riley smiled a little and looked away from Levi.
"Thank you, but you should go to bed. How much water have you had?" Riley asked.
"I've had enough water that I won't have a severe hangover tomorrow. But do you know what I want?" Levi asked.
"Food?" Riley asked.
"You." Levi whispered. Riley's eyes widened and he looked at Levi.
"Not like I want to do you in a dirty way. I want to cuddle with you, make you feel better, I want to make you happy. I miss your smile Riley. I miss the you before that dude. I want to hug you, play with your hair, watch movies, have you use me as a pillow for god sake. I want to hold your hand, protect you, care for you. I want to see you in my shirts and sweaters. I want you." Levi cleared up. Riley felt himself blush and he couldn't think of any way to react but his body took over and he hugged his legs and smiled.
"You're adorable you undersized little man." Levi said and got up. He went to Riley and kissed his head. Riley's face got hotter and he didn't know what to do with himself.
"Now I know you don't know what to do and that's okay. There's no rush to do anything and I want you to know that I'm not going to rush you into anything. It's all up to you. But I want to communicate because it's important." Levi said resting his head on Riley's.
"You should get some sleep." Riley said quietly.
"Only if you're coming. You're warm." Levi hummed. Riley smiled a little. 
"You're not going to try anything on me are you?" Riley asked. 
"No, never." Levi whispered and Riley could smell the alcohol on Levi's breath. Riley shut his laptop and got up. His knee popped when he straightened his legs and Levi looked at him. 
"I'm okay!" Riley said with a smile. 
"Good and God, I love your smile." Levi said and Riley's cheeks heated up again. They went to where the rooms split and Levi hugged Riley from behind and walked them into Levi's room. Riley has never been in Levi's room. There are posters and pictures on the walls and some books around the room. 

"Mm, you can look tomorrow, sleep now." Levi said into Riley's ear and Riley nodded. They got into bed and Riley cuddled up against Levi's chest and Levi held Riley close. 
"I just want you to know that I'm not just something to warm you up." Riley said. 
"I know. Don't think that you're just something to me okay? You're not. You're so much more. You being warm is just a plus and I wanted to hold you." Levi said and Riley's chest got a warm, fuzzy feeling and he closed his eyes.
"I'll try." Riley whispered and felt Steve settle on top of them.
"Good. I love you Riley Holmes." The two fell asleep and Riley thought that he'd be okay with this for the rest of his life. 


Nothing really held shapes in the dark of his room. He knew that he made it into his bed with Riley but he wasn't sure how. He didn't remember getting home but all he cared about was the blonde that he was hugging. Levi was quite content that Riley had agreed to cuddle. 

Mmm, warm. Was Levi's last thought before drifting off to sleep. 

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