After The Door Closed

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Levi shut the door and held Riley close. Riley started to cry and Levi rubbed Riley's back and kept the hand on his head. Levi played with the curls that he always wanted to feel. They are very soft by the way. 

"Thank you for the flashcards. And the smiley face on the box. When you feel better, do you want to help me study?" Levi asked quietly. Riley nodded into Levi's chest. Levi smiled a little. 
"What did he do to you, Riley Holmes?" Levi asked and Riley moved away from the hug. Levi regretted letting go of Riley. He smells nice Levi thought to himself. 
"I-I'm going to go shower." Riley said quietly and went to the bathroom quickly and quietly. Levi watched as Riley went to the bathroom, head down and wipe his eyes. 

"Riley." Levi said as Riley went into the bathroom. 
"I don't want to talk." Riley said and he shut the door. 
"You always want to talk though." Levi said and went to the door. Riley didn't say anything but the water turned on in the shower. Levi sighed and went back to sit on the couch and wait for Riley. Levi heard the door open and he turned to see Riley standing in the doorway, clutching a towel around him and his hair still dripping a little. He looked sad. Really fucking sad. 

"Is all you want from me, sex?" He asked. That honestly shocked Levi. 
"No. Not one bit. Is that all that he wanted?" Levi asked. He was about ready to go and kill the dude that Riley was going out with for a little while. Riley gulped a little and looked at the floor. Levi got up and crossed the room in a couple of steps. Riley looked up at him with his pretty, innocent eyes and Levi hugged him. One of Riley's hands kept holding up his towel. Riley was still a little wet from the shower but Levi didn't care. Riley tried to get out of the hug and Levi wasn't having it. 

"S-stop. You'll get your shirt wet." Riley said weakly trying to get out of Levi's hold. 
"It'll dry Riley. Are you okay?" Levi asked. 
"I'll be fine. Thank you though." Riley said quietly. Levi let go after a little while and Riley shut the door to get dressed. When he came out, Riley rushed to his room and in a blur of blue and blonde, Levi had noticed Riley didn't have pants on. Levi smiled a little and he could see Riley through the little crack that he left open by accident. His little pale legs, tight black underwear and the baggy shirt that ended by his hips and Levi admired Riley's features that he's never seen before. I hope that I can be the first to touch him where those underwear are covering. Levi thought to himself. He watched as Riley pulled on some little shorts then quickly looked away when Riley looked like he was going to turn around. 

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